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Lanterne Rouge

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Everything posted by Lanterne Rouge

  1. He`s not been right since he had that virus. Thankfully Callum`s nearly back.
  2. I didn`t know Adam El Abd played for Wycombe now. He just almost gave away a penalty at Notts County.
  3. Why can`t we seem to defend a bloody corner? Simple goal, so bloody easy for Moore.
  4. Don`t forget it`s Friday so goals/incidents are shown on SSN as they happen.
  5. Probably not but on his day he`s unplayable. If we can keep hold of both of them the spin future is very bright for us. Dom`s only 20 and an Exeter lad too.
  6. I see Dom Bess got 107 0ff 109 balls batting at 9 for the MCC v Essex in Bridgetown today. Well done, perhaps it WILL be our season this year.
  7. Building the training ground complex? The cost sounds about right for what we`re planning.
  8. Pompey currently beating Oxford 1-0 but making heavy weather of it. Oxford just missed a penalty and Mowat who missed it sent off for lamping Nathan Thompson who ran ten yards to goad him. Once a Swindon arsehole, always a Swindon arsehole.
  9. That`s a bit of a `mea culpa` for sure! He`s as good as said the whole team and coaches are guilty of premeditated cheating. There`s grounds there for the ICCB banning Australia from test cricket IMO (not that they will, they`re the only team that fill grounds).
  10. Most of this financial stuff is way over my head but would I be right in thinking they`re trying to finance the rebuild via some sort of PFI equivalent? Would that be a good analogy or not?
  11. Well, he wouldn`t have told them it was if it wasn`t. A lovely bloke like that wouldn`t tell fibs, he`s too nice for that. There`s not a bone in his body that`s not lovely.
  12. They`ll say they are in some sort of `partnership` to build something until it becomes clear that they `re expected to contribute some money whereupon they will withdraw saying that the deal on offer wasn`t in Rovers` best interests i.e they couldn`t get someone else to pay for it.
  13. `We`ll buy Ashton Gate and use it for our training ground` was my personal favourite.
  14. Not a surprising reaction given that the sags had probably spent the whole game giving him dog`s abuse for being a gurt shithead like they normally do with anyone vaguely connected with us. I bet Ryan Taylor got loads as well.
  15. A couple of mates were telling me last night that they were great at giving it large but ran away and hid when they thought they might actually have to put up. `The biggest bunch of tossers I`ve seen at Home Park for a long time` was one comment.
  16. I`m sure the Post will be all over this on Monday with a front page of pictures asking if anyone knows these people and police dawn raids will no doubt result. Or am I living in a parallel universe where it`s not just City fans that they do that for?
  17. I`ll be standing a couple of mates a pint or two tonight once I get to the pub.
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