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Lanterne Rouge

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Everything posted by Lanterne Rouge

  1. A job for DIY SOS? They seem to be always helping out those less fortunate than the rest of us.
  2. Jesus. Was it only ten years ago that Saints went into admin?
  3. Why not the league? Oh, I suppose Stamford would be in Conference North.
  4. Well Sinclair would be grabbing all the past it`s sell by date food and sleeping in one of their cardboard skips. The rest would be shelf stacking or collecting trollies in the car park I suppose.
  5. I see what you did there, always good to get a Tesco reference in from time to time just to remind us of Eastville.
  6. Christ, no wonder he grew the beard and started living in the park.
  7. Surely that`s his better looking brother that plays for FGR isn`t it?
  8. I see the tramp Sinclair got booked for diving today. I don`t know if it was by the ref during the match or by the security guard round the back of McDonalds on his way home though.
  9. He`d do it for love. Once a gashead always a gashead, famous quarters, family club, be overtaking the shit any time now, thousands locked out every game, bestest and loyalest fans in the whole wide world. I wouldn`t be surprised if he got WBA stuffed by Chelsea deliberately just so he could make his dream come true.
  10. It will be interesting when our friends in the north check in to let us know what they thought of the game. @Owl Visiting @OwlsonlineAdmin? it`s always good to hear an alternative view to ours.
  11. If you win all your home games and draw all your aways you will have 92 points and almost certainly go up. If we had done that so far we would have 33 - we have 31 so not too shabby.
  12. A lot of players in this squad that learnt a lot from last season IMO. It`s difficult to pick a `most improved` at the moment, there are so many to choose from. Whatever doesn`t kill you makes you stronger.
  13. I`m liking that six point gap to 7th although it could be 3 if Derby beat Fulham tonight. 18 points to the bottom three - even if we went on a run like last season now it`s unlikely we`d drop in.
  14. A draw at Hillsborough, you`ve got to be happy with that. Well done lads.
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