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Lanterne Rouge

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Everything posted by Lanterne Rouge

  1. If I were gas (thank God I`m not) I would expect to see some tangible proof of the owner`s plans over the summer and by that I don`t mean a vague promise to build a car park. I`d want something definite regarding UWE like a signed contract with a contractor or at the very least to know that the job`s gone out to tender. I would begin to have serious doubts if I was still getting told it`ll be jam tomorrow come the start of next season. It won`t take long for Wally`s fan club to turn on him.
  2. At the start of play we needed 6 points to be safe, now we need three. Take that all day long.
  3. Bloody good job we signed him and he`s not still on loan - Wigan`s keeper sent off today so they probably would have recalled him if he was.
  4. Yep. City in about 1974. They`ve been round my neck like an albatross ever since!
  5. Sounds like it might be heading that way. Tomlin booked, side already disrupted with an injury - it`s got all the signs.
  6. Be sheeds in the away end though no doubt. Causing trouble for the family club AGAIN. That`s what they`ll say when they lose and riot as usual.
  7. Now if only a rich, local sports-supporting entrepreneur could be persuaded to invest in a project like that. The facilities at the Bristol Sport/UWE multisports centre would doubtless be first class and admired all over the country.
  8. Saying on 5live this morning he was very lucky it was diagnosed when it was as he could have died while playing. Just goes to show, you can be fit as a fiddle and something like this can get you - bit like Muamba I suppose. All the best to him.
  9. Was it you that e-mailed me the other day saying all I had to do to get a mahoosive tax refund was let you have my bank details? Did you get them alright only I`ve not had any money yet.
  10. Oh yes. Plenty more fun to be had yet.
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