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Lanterne Rouge

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Everything posted by Lanterne Rouge

  1. I`d like to see Keiran get on and stretch them a bit. Their CBs are winning everything in the air.
  2. It was raining and you know what happens if you get water on a gremlin.
  3. No forgetting that if WBA could finish they`d have been out of sight by half time
  4. Absolutely. We`re in the draw Monday and none of us expected that. If they`d been 2-1 up and we`d equalised everyone would have been raving about it. Haters gotta hate I suppose.
  5. Sounds from the commentary that Freeman and JK are passing to each other all the time so that`s that rumour put to bed. JK booked for over celebrating.
  6. Cotts has obviously taken notice of everyone and has used a sub early for once.
  7. Checking gangs of violent city fans aren`t trying to get on the train at Truro just to attempt a flanking movement. They`ve had intelligence that says they are dontcha know.
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