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Lanterne Rouge

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Everything posted by Lanterne Rouge

  1. At Coventry till the end of the season, Newcastle have extended his loan.
  2. Sky are showing the champ goals as they go in like they do on Tuesdays.
  3. You wait till SC finally does go - you``ll see some positive from him then I reckon
  4. Have you been reading Mr Higgs`s confidential documents again?
  5. We`ve not heard much from KITR lately on this and he`s normally on the money with what`s going on. Any updates mate?
  6. We`ve needed one of those on here for years!
  7. I`m gutted. He missed out `sheeds in the away end` from the blame list.
  8. I did say the more sensible ones - a tiny minority I know but I believe they do exist. BTW don`t see any rebuttal of any of this from our erstwhile Tote End warrior, St Andrews Gas.
  9. Too right I would. I`d have been convinced the club had no future for about four years now and oblivion, or at least Conference South which amounts to the same thing, was now approaching like a runaway train!
  10. Reading between the lines, it seems even the more sensible of them are really starting to get a bit twitchy.
  11. Remember one Saturday Birmingham game. They walked them all down and back from Parson St along Winterstoke Rd and it all went off in that little park on the corner. It didn`t have a fence around it then or the kiddies play equipment, it was just a bit of green space with a few trees. Mayhem it was.
  12. That was the one. Got a bit lairy for a while but we got there in the end.
  13. Nearest I ever remember anyone getting close to taking the EE was West Ham one year. Got them out in the end but it was bloody hard work.
  14. So some gas bellend has gone to the trouble an expense of buying a City shirt and has taken it along to this do and presumably is getting Windass to put some arsey message to us on it which will presumably cost him more again. And they think we`re obsessed.
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