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Everything posted by Riaz

  1. Firstly, your wrong. Secondly, never has the whole population been vaccinated or suffer restrictions for not having a vaccine. This is highly suspicious to me.
  2. It’s not based on anything scientific. How could it be? I’m not making anything up, I’m making a prediction, that could make me look extremely paranoid if I’m wrong…
  3. The people behind the vaccine. Their views. The most powerful people in the world hate that us poor people keep breeding.
  4. My suspicion, is that it will make most people infertile.. We’ll see in a few years. Whether I’m right or wrong, i should still be able to choose, if i want to take it or not. Especially has i had my kidneys damaged from something a doctor told me to take.
  5. What’s my politics got to do with it? You are speaking as someone who trusts the vaccine. I do not. I think there is something bigger going on. Theres shyte in all our food, but i have the choice which foods to have. Some are worse than others. I’m asking for the freedom to choose. Without any penalty.
  6. less than 1% of people healthy under 60 die. So it’s not deadly. For those that it is, then they should get the vaccine Dear oh dear. it was a prediction of the future not a statement of fact!
  7. I’ll try and make this my last comment. I hope I’m wrong about the vaccine and it does what it says on the tin. And everything turns out to be honky dory. But if i am right, and birth rates are affect and/or lots of people die or suffer injuries, i hope, those of you who got personal, are big enough to admit you were wrong.
  8. Someone else did. I’ve not referenced him for anything to do with Covid. All i said, was lots of his predictions have been correct
  9. Yes, millions injured. people have died. Personally had suffered a reaction from antibiotics which damaged my kidneys. So I’m gonna pass. And i should be able too.
  10. That’s a private company choice. this is the government trying to force something on me… Since when did the government give a **** about any of us ??? Now apparently they are so worried about the us, they are forcing vaccine on us ?? Bullshit
  11. Not being capable of driving ??? Your comparing that to deciding against a medical treatment….
  12. that’s when you commit a crime. I wouldn’t be free to attend big events. That is a punishment.
  13. In China, you are punished if you don’t comply with what the government wants. Difference?
  14. If your in China. Freedom based on injecting chemicals. This is what it has come to now?
  15. What is exactly wrong with what i shared? It was again from government sources
  16. I’m suggesting that mass vaccination isn’t the right idea or necessary. High risk and elderly people - vaccinating them would make sense
  17. Why do i trust him and not mainstream scientists. Cos i know scientists, can be corrupted or have their careers destroyed if they speak the truth. This guy is putting his career on the line to say this - he has nothing to gain and a lot to lose. Not a fan of David Icke, BUT a lot of predictions he has made, have come to pass!
  18. I’ve not shared any disinformation and I’ve mainly shared things from the governments websites
  19. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/sage-93-minutes-coronavirus-covid-19-response-7-july-2021/sage-93-minutes-coronavirus-covid-19-response-7-july-2021 Point 9, on the governments own website, alludes to the fact that mass vaccination, makes more variants more likely Apparently that note was only put on there, after pressure from scientists
  20. Heres a credible scientist, who believes in vaccines (as i do) But he thinks vaccinating everyone is a mistake
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