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Everything posted by Natchfever

  1. Begging bowl to South Glos council no doubt with an offer to "share" the facility with the community because after all they are a community club.
  2. Hortham... Horfield... Somewhere to pitch their caravans though whilst Wally is raising funds for some cones.
  3. You know though that if we said absolutely nothing about them and maintained the moral highground they would be even noisier about how we are shitting ourselves, coming for you blah blah ! Whilst we share the same environment and probably education, the vitriol on their forum and how they approach non gasheads on asschat is a world away from us. I suspect relations between the two clubs at executive level have rarely been lower hence the "welcome to Bristol" advert being sanctioned and Wally's stupid tweet and babbyassing to the EFL about us. I don't feel any need therefore to let up on them even though in terms of league status there isn't much between us at the moment. I have so many old school gas chaps as mates and I would back them to the hilt and vice versa, but we share two things - a respect of each other and a fervent desire for the other's team to crash and burn. That's how it is and Bristol really isn't any different to any other city with two teams.
  4. Correct and where are Rovers ? - where they usually are in division 3 without any of the above and with about a third of our home support. Don't get me wrong, we are underachieving but this is a pisstake thread and the title is the give away. I probably share 90& of the same views as you, but honestly, you shouldn't really post on here if you don't want to join in pisstaking.
  5. Correct. Mind you they could probably let it out for pony grazing for a few years whilst they save up for some corner flags.
  6. Easily done if you're pissing into the other blokes urinal, and any event STD's play havoc with your control of flow direction (so I have been told)
  7. Is this how they talk? Interspersing sentences with random "proud to be a gashead" "FTG" "Irene good night Irene"...Most strange...
  8. He's 70 now and I never rated him in his prime...
  9. LJ will take us down I fear. Had a good budget but has misspent it in the main. I have little confidence that he would spend wisely next month.
  10. If Booy is anything to do with facilitating a result for Rovers he would be a ******* traitor to Bristol RFC. I would find that very hard to believe.
  11. To be fair and without wishing to arouse the anti "old school hooligan" brigade, if there were 12000 Saints in the Muller Road end (not possible) that wasn't enough for the stunt they tried to pull.
  12. If the car park application was the one which extended a car park with the UWE stadium in mind then it was validated 6th November 2013 so I believe they have a few weeks to kick on and start it (haven't they anyway?) Not that it matters as PP isn't personal but the applicants were UWE and the Gas.
  13. Get the **** off our forum you unwelcome pr1ck
  14. Cheers mate 75/76 still very decent. They were shot by August 76.
  15. This was 75 easter ? "Battle of Bristol" in the national press as I recall. Someone should be able to get hold of that. Dont want to get into an old hooligan debate because certain types will pounce on that but I was definitely in the know back then and Rovers had a very fine mob in 74/75.
  16. To be fair if it was 800 that is pretty good for midweek to Sheffield. Now see all you Tent boys - that is being gracious you should try it some time.
  17. Some suggestions : Avoid seeing such comments. Now I know that will greatly affect your social life and those of an increasing number of your friends but stay the **** away from this forum just a thought ? I mean where else do you hear such comments ? Suck it up and accept that Rovers is an inferior outfit in every way and say nice things about us.. The fact that you appear to have a choice on our forum as opposed to the policy of asschat towards fans of different teams reinforces the divide.
  18. Is it just me or are other people getting a bit fed up of the latitude shown to 15ers who come onto OUR forum - we reserve the right to take the piss out of them but I don't recall them actually being invited to come on here and defend the indefensible ? I mean its not like the courtesy is reciprocated now is it...
  19. Yep and when you establish the facts why don't you keep it to yourself or share it with your fellow Rovers fans on a Rovers forum.
  20. And you have contributed 81 posts on another club's forum you silly****.
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