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The Coach

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Everything posted by The Coach

  1. Always enjoyed his final score readouts
  2. The Coach


    Did we ever make the play offs? No So we weren’t a play off fighting team. We were an upper table/mid table average side built on millions and millions.
  3. I thought that was a big statement from NP and one I didn’t agree with. He’s shot himself in the foot there and it’s come back to haunt him. We really are in the midst with everything at the moment.
  4. Reference to midfield as free signings. Even if you look at our defense. Only Atkinson has been a real investment in defence. And that’s been handled poorly admittedly
  5. We got a couple decent performances based upon millions and millions spent, and a player turnover greater than 50 during Johnson’s reign. Basically spunked money away to be average then fell into a poor squad. Only Bristol City
  6. Because we don’t have the money to improve on what is a poor defence and midfield built on free signings. It’s really not hard to see. I don’t mind if Pearson goes. But if you think the grass is greener and we’re going to suddenly start becoming a top 10 side without investment. You’re in for a shock. Better squad of players for a start. Same way Forest had prior to Cooper.
  7. People like me? Who actually understand where the fault is and where it started? Is Pearson to blame for everything? No. Has he made mistakes and deserves to burden some of the blame? Yes. What is this squad capable of? Because I’ve heard this tune for about 4 years and we’ve got nowhere. Because this squad is simply not good enough. This is all de ja vu from the Millen, Mcinnes era rtc. We’ve been here before and made the same mistakes. Reality is. It’s going to be a miracle to remain in this division until we clear FFP and can start making actual decent investments and not make the same mistakes when backing Johnson.
  8. I wouldn’t even vote. The damage is already too much from previous running of the club under Ashton. If Pearson went. Who would actually improve things with 0 budget to play with? I don’t think there is one.
  9. He’s a big part of the reason why we are in this mess now. As in Ashton and Lansdown
  10. Ah I’m fed up of this football club now and the shite we’ve put up with last 4 years or so.
  11. I see we have managed to somewhat feature in the Sh*tty T*tty calendar for 2023. Please don’t ask me how I came across this…the internet leads you on a weird path.
  12. We didn’t win. That’s the thing…
  13. Not happy nor frustrated. No one else is available to take the position. If Potter and Howe go on to have successful reigns at Chelsea and Newcastle. They still won’t leave. Personally, we’ll never win anything under Southgate. With such a talented squad of players. It’s rather frustrating and wasteful
  14. That’s I agree with Dave. But even if one player has a bad game. I’d be going about it from a collective unit. I.e from a defensive stand point we weren’t good enough. The statement above may not be true and it may have been down to one individual. But I’d address that away from cameras. I’d be saying to Taylor what you said behind closed doors. Not in front of the camera. But hey, that’s just my management style and way I do things.
  15. In my opinion. You never throw players under the bus publicly. You deal with it in the dressing room. Regardless of their performance
  16. Can’t knock the performance tonight. Gutted
  17. This is where Southgate’s weakness is. Being able to make tactical changes. We can’t wait until 65th/70th minute for the first change.
  18. Genuinely thought someone’s car alarm was going off outside at first
  19. Probably end up taking Foden off at half time for Phillips
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