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Everything posted by MelksRed

  1. Utter scumbags. Noting that even those detained at Her Majesty's pleasure have a code of conduct hopefully those closest will administer the justice that is deserved in the same slow and sickening manner. Truly sickening.
  2. If we go down (in the current financial climate) I'm unlikely to renew my season ticket. I'm not turning up week after week spending my hard earned money watching to55ers who don't turn up to earn theirs. On the verge of calling it a day. So frustrated, annoyed and angry.
  3. Can someone please explain what Bakinson brings to this team? He constantly loses the ball, never looks like he's busting a gut to get anywhere, often looks weak and feeble and is crap at marking (noting he was 2 yards from his man and didn't attempt to close on the edge of the box this afternoon for the goal). Is this synptomatic if the issue? Should we have renewed his contract or just paid him off to get rid? He is not creative in midfield. Seemingly we are too content to accept the status quo and are conflict avoidant. Time we had some minerals and started culling the driftwood. I've nothing against Bakinson as a person, just frustrated by his seemingly un-engaged, inconsistent and often incoherent input. Thoughts?
  4. This persistent strategy of waiting for the long throw from Kallas achieves: 1. Nothing (we are not a tall team and cannot take advantage of it). 2. Slows the game down 3. Gives the opposition time to reset; and 4. Exposes my Mum's worst brown towel on a number of occasions. Why do we persisr with this? For me it should stop. Thoughts?
  5. Team: 10 and Bentley. Tactic: put the ball in the goal more times than them. (Preferably THEIR goal) I thought long and hard about this strategy
  6. Nigel, our thoughts are with you and we hope you make a full recovery as quickly as possible.
  7. Sadly, I'm starting to care less about attending. My son has started to opt not to go to AG. If anything SL needs to consider the impact of the current situation not just on the current fans cohort.....but the future fan cohort. My son has resisted the draw of the PL hoping that he will see his team there. He's been laughed at and poked fun at for supporting City but continues to do so. If someone needs to give the team a chat on motivation I'm sure he'd agree. This team is aging me, my stress release now exacerbates not releases my stress levels. Close to calling it a day. :o(
  8. What happens next? League 1 tour Reduced attendances Loss of season ticket subscriptions Loss of lucrative TV money Less to invest in new players Perpetual cycle
  9. Frank Lampard? Sounds like the Steven Gerrad crap that was reputed to be that wasn't in reality. Why would Lampard want to come here?
  10. Ever felt like your screaming in the middle if a room and nobody can hear you?
  11. MelksRed

    Full time

    Overpaid spinless, gutless performances. Even our bright young players are starting to flicker and dim.
  12. This team has had a moribund feel about it since the middle of last season. A couple of signings has failed to enthuse and motivate others. We are sinking like a stone and they don't fu&*ing care.
  13. Sack a player.....anyone will do.....the rest of them may start giving a sh1t then and play. Sacking managers makes no difference....the players have lived that before.
  14. We have 3 points ....monkey or cracks are irrelevant now that the game has passed.
  15. Wondering if those fans that left when Barnsley scored wished they hadn't...... We can't sit back......need another (possibly 2) to be sure. That last 7 mins will raise confidence in the dressing room. Just need to get the ball on the floor, do the simple things well and tear them to pieces. #restarttheseason
  16. What concerns me more is if we lose to Barnsley on Sat - AG could (not necessarily will) become a very toxic environment. I will then have to consider not attending despite having a ST to protect them from the behaviour of an extremely small group of senseless people.
  17. I didn't like LJ....he did come over when they at least won....its not too much to ask is it? Come over and show your appreciation for support....the players did it....seemingly the manager doesn't have to..... As a nearly 44 year old man I can completely understand your point of view about the possible slagging.....but not all fans are engaging in this nastiness. For a small minority the majority suffer.....seemingly the way of the world now. @cideredabroad More worrying was why there were not enough seats for the amount of tickets sold.....the Hawthorns ws a death trap yesterday.....won't be going there again.
  18. I was at the game yesterday and agree that some of the behaviour was deplorable. I agree with the majority of comments that condemn this behaviour. I would equally argue that it wouldn't take much for Pearson to walk over and thank the fans.....something he NEVER does. We travelled a good couple of hours....spent good money and he couldn't walk 30 yards across a park to clap us for the effort....is that or does that show respect?
  19. I'm dejected at the moment. Can't see where our creativity or chances are going to come from.....we are on a slippery slope to relegation I fear. We are not playing as a team. There is no confidence....no cohesion....no creativity.
  20. Can someone please tell me HOW we have improved under Pearson?
  21. Sat in Starbucks outside the ground. Filled with nervous energy....... I'd be happy with a point....ecstatic with 3 but head says none... Still worth the drive.........COYRs!!!!
  22. Agreed. It was like a fiat punto racing a Porsche..... Outclassed, out manoeuvred and outplayed. I was content with the score line....immensely annoyed with the performance. But......what's done is done.
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