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Everything posted by GreedyHarry

  1. So in theory, a club or owner could sell their stadium on every season to a new company, and cover their losses? They could even get the club to buy each stadium owning company for a pound before repeating the trick over and over. No point in FFP at all now if this is the case, as it is completely meaningless.
  2. Yes, it is very important to uphold democracy and take every opportunity to vote. I'll be joining you when the poll opens.
  3. Oh, my days! An idea to have a prize draw for away fans ONLY to fund a roof at Chernobyl. quartered Fans' Favourite yesterday at 12:33pm BishopstonBRFC, nickster, and 4 morelike this Quote Small one - An idea I thought of before and has come back to me is as follows “50/50 draw for away fans only” raise a roof! Similar to what we did with the blackthorn end but for away fans only! Small extra income for the club each week to go towards a roof for away fans. Won’t cost the club anything (clearly have been reluctant to spend on that over the years) and will improve facilities for travelling fans! Better facilities equals more away fans, more away fans equals more money.
  4. What about. 'Frankie Fielding's in the teepee'
  5. Top spot. I'd put money on it being the bulldog. Note the one stood at the back on his phone and not where he says he is. Could it be @bodin
  6. Yeah sorry. Gas Translate sometimes gets things a bit wrong like Google Translate. Glad to see that you don't deny making up a story though. Now why would you make up that story?
  7. Gas Translate: "I made up a completely unfounded story. To make me and my club look biggerer and betterer than wot we is."
  8. Ah got ya. So not the pinnacle of his career. Thanks.
  9. In whose opinion is that the pinnacle of Holden's career. Is that what he has said?
  10. Mate, go and have a **** or something and get it out your system. And if that doesn't work, and you still have too much time on your hands, at least quote people properly. Thanks for your time.
  11. Don't be a ***. Clark signed the asswipe that scores an average of less than one goal a season. He managed 10th in the 3rd tier once, and is currently unemployed because that is the pinnacle of his career. Dean Holden is not a manager. He is an assistant coach at a 2nd tier club. Go and crawl back under your rock and leave us alone.
  12. Unless their a bit short on time or energy, or there's a bike race, or its raining too hard, etc.......
  13. How's that whole, "Our vastly superior goal difference is like an extra point" argument going?
  14. Oh, I wish they were. The teams that get promoted on merit (including ourselves) find it a massive step up. God knows how it would feel to play at Championship level when your squad is contending for the 4th Division.
  15. **** me, any more rules and caveats? The question might as well be, name a club that isn't Da Mighty *** that play in Bristol that have bigger crowds than us, that isn't Bristol City.
  16. Do you field a weakened team to ensure an annual FA Cup upset every year then?
  17. Calling it out as fake on two counts: 1. Not written in iambic pentameter 2. I understand it.
  18. Dear mgl (moaning gas loony with no capitals as per your email), Hopefully this gets to you, as your address seems mostly to be stars. We have no idea what you are 'referring' to. Our apologies, but if you are inexperienced in writing in English, then please don't try to gain the experience by writing to us. And, and, and.... Anyway, thank you for taking the time to write to us. Unfortunately your claim for compensation has been rejected. This is due to a number of facts. Firstly, you play in La Liga, so we are not the correct authority. Secondly, you support the 6th richest club in the world, and they have a lot more money than us. Lots of love, EFL
  19. "we got some big Championship games coming up. Thoi'll have to be on top of dere game for dem" Honest to ******* god. He's got them promoted mid season.
  20. **** me! That's a lot of words for a Thursday night.
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