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Everything posted by RedEyez

  1. Conway 40/1 to be championship top scorer this season. Very tempting.
  2. Might explain why Joe Low is leaving and this lad is featuring in pre season training /games so far.
  3. They actually don’t. The structure of the deal means they only got a third of it upfront. Rest of it will be paid in instalments.
  4. Yeah think so. Best thing to do is wait for the first friendly and load up robins tv and see if it works. If not then you may just have to buy separately.
  5. All of a sudden we have a squad full of options!
  6. James will be the first name on the time sheet if fit and in form. No question.
  7. Why do you think it had stalled? The French league finished on the weekend. He flew back to London yesterday. He will probably have a meeting with Silva in the coming days, if not done already and then I would imagine Fulham will announce their retained list once other conversations are had with other players shortly after. Then there should be some significant movement. Relax.
  8. When asked about the Leicester job a few weeks back, Nige was firm in his comments - “that ship has sailed” , he said. Perhaps he may look at this situation in a similar way.
  9. Would like to see some balance in the side today OLeary Tanner Vyner Naismith Pring King James Scott Sykes Wells Mehmeti
  10. I think you need therapy.
  11. Think he spelt Sol Bamba wrong
  12. Feels like a big game tonight. Win and we could go as high as 11th. 5 points off Watford with a game in hand ???
  13. First time ( I think ) I’ve heard Nige use the word “phenomenal” when referring to certain elements of our performance in a post match interview. Not the type of man to use the word lightly but he is right, we were. If, and a big if, we win the next two games, dare I say it, we’d be right in the mix. Not getting carried away at all but right now, we have momentum and at this point in the season, as we have seen many, many times before, could make all the difference . COYR.
  14. Scott Scott, super Scott x3, Super Scotty Murray (repeat)
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