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Posts posted by RoystonFoote'snephew

  1. 6 minutes ago, Wedontplayinblue said:

    I’m not calling Pearson a racist by any stretch as he clearly isn’t, but he does come across as a type of manager who likes hard working brexit means brexit type players. 

    I’d probably put a bet on that most of his signings, if not all, have been white British or Irish players. 

    I know you're not suggesting that non white british or irish players are not hardworking. 

  2. I admit to being a Beckham fan. As a crosser of a ball on the run he only ranks 2nd to Terry Paine. A great free kick taker and captain, my admiration for him rose when he was prepared to anger Ferguson by skipping training to take care of his children. Very astute guy he was well aware of his image and knew how to exploit the tabloids. And that image was amazing. Supposedly when at Real Madrid he sold more replica shirts than anyone, in a side that included Zidane, Ronaldo, Figo, Roberto Carlos, Raul and Casillas among others. Even this though was eclipsed by his adoration in south east Asia which almost took on god like proportions. The man's a success and good on him. 

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  3. Am I glad I didn't make the trip tonight. That was bloody awful! We could/should of had a penalty but that aside we were sloppy all around the park. Our midfield hasn't coped with Rotherham's man for man system at all. Sykes has to track back more as Gardner-Hickman keeps getting caught inside as the midfielder he really is. Must do better. 

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  4. Used to sometimes get accused of diving but a proper striker and a true Man City legend, despite the number of times that word gets bandied around. Made a fortune in the paper industry after retiring from the game. RIP Franny. Sincere condolences to his family and friends. 

  5. 6 minutes ago, redkev said:

    Watched the whole game when I got home , personally thought the officials were poor ( I’m not Liverpool lover at all by the way there on my list of Rovers Cardiff Swindon Arsenal Liverpool who I dislike ) the Curtis sending off never in my eyes deffo played the ball and foot bounced off the top of the ball not in a million years did he go to do the player and as for the disallowed goal I said to the wife straight away deffo goal I was amazed they said it was off side . The standard of refereeing in this country is so so poor , best ref I’ve seen this season was the Italian chap , when we beat the jocks with our eyes closed 

    I think that being a referee now is harder than its ever been and VAR has made it harder not easier. That said I also believe that the current crop of officials across the Premier league and EFL is the worst in 50 years. What annoys me most is that too few of them have the courage of their own convictions. It seems to be if they visit the VAR screen they are duty bound to agree with the guy in the booth instead of sometimes telling the guy he's a prat and sticking with their original decision. Offside is a prime example of where VAR gets it wrong too many times despite slow motion and the apparent drawing of lines. Ridiculous, given that over the years statistics showed that linesmen got it right in real time some 90+%of the time. 

    • Like 4
  6. I'm sorry for Scunthorpe but am I surprised, not really. Any dodgy dealer can buy a football club now. The football authorities have no adequate safeguards to prevent such transactions and even less heart or authority to do something about it. 

    The thing is this is no joke. Football is the national sport, and more than that football clubs are a vital amenity to the local community. I would have the National Audit Office undertake a root and branch review of football finances, the rules that govern them and how they are administered and applied. I would have no truck with cries of government interference from FIFA or UEFA on the grounds that it is not purely a football matter but a community matter and that we will not take notice of organisations that handle more brown envelopes than the Post Office. 

  7. It's defined by history for me, although winning a European trophy helps as it puts a club on the global stage (but it's not essential). It's certainly not about money. Johnny come lately's like Manchester City will never be a bigger club than Manchester United and Chelsea will never be bigger than the Arsenal. As for Bristol City we pray for high spits to come but we'll never be bigger than the likes of Southampton, Leeds, Burnley or Forest. 

    • Like 1
  8. 23 minutes ago, phantom said:

    I will always detest this side for:

    Nicky Mohan

    Gavin Ward

    Graham Kavanagh


    I don't particularly like Delilah either but at least it is a British song and it ain't the bloody annoying You'll never walk alone or Sweet Caroline. 

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  9. The southern hemisphere sides are not showing well. I've now doubt that the All Blacks will qualify for the QFs but they need to improve their performance if they're to have any chance of winning the cup. Argentina are currently 4th in the group and Australia were simply woeful against Wales last night, a team playing defensive rugby by not playing in their own half but taking advantage of opposition mistakes. They should have been beaten by Fiji but weren't. South Africa were my pre-tournament favourites but they're not converting. For all Ireland's solid play the Boks left 11 points on the kicking tee. Improvement needed but honestly I can't see past France right now to become world champions. 

  10. 2 hours ago, East Londoner said:

    My contract is up with O2 who consistently don’t work inside AG on a match day, does anyone know if any of the others are better?

    I'm with EE and it's OK when not many are in but it's distinctly worse than my old O2 contract when the ground is full. I don't know if the problem is with us as users though or City as the provider. My connectivity was so much better when the WiFi was Z Edge or whatever than its is now. 

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