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Everything posted by Midred

  1. I was mystified in the Stoke match when fouls right in front of the linesmen on either weren't even flagged. Are some referees so arrogant that they don't want any interferance from their assistants? (Yes I know that they're all above board according to some on otib!)
  2. Hope Russia won't get around it by renaming the team as in other sports. Whatever the sport or name they're still funded by the government.
  3. Surprised that Mark Ashton hasn't got Portman Road selected as a midlands venue!
  4. When a player has their heel clipped it's usually a free kick. I've said before that a player renowned for "winning" penalties will be awarded them by the officials without a moments thought. The match officials supposedly talk to each other, perhaps they could release the conversations. Sometimes the linesmen appear to be frightened to do anything!
  5. There's knowing it and admitting it. Being a bit more humble would help.
  6. I take your point but most clubs will suffer one way or another over the course of the season and to be fair it was mentioned in the media that Wolves had suffered a dubious decision playing against Manchester utd.
  7. Pgmol this morning apologises to Liverpool for VAR not intervening when the referee disallowed a goal yesterday. This was after intervening to convert a yellow card into a red card. It doesn't change the result though or give a consolation point to the aggrieved team. Yes I know that not everyone on otib follows Liverpool but we at City complain about a referee who can determine the validity of a penalty appeal from the halfway line but completely misses a foul/handball right in front of him. Whether it be incompetence, lack of concentration or even the suspicion of favouring some teams more than others there has to be some accountability by the officials. Heaven help that the result of a seasons hard work could be determined not by the footballers but by the lack of quality match and VAR officials.
  8. Their hearts say 138 points, their heads say 30 - 70!
  9. What's not been mentioned so far is how the media "rate" clubs. Leeds for example were big in the 70's and whether they're in the PL or league one they will still be the "chosen clubs". Also how many televised matches they get.
  10. Is it an optical illusion with enclosed stadiums or is the KP alot wider than AG? It looked smaller!
  11. He never looked like he was going to score without the penalty. Did the ref feel sorry for him?
  12. No escort to and from the ground ?
  13. I just hope that Farrell observes the rules this time and also has been practicing his kicks, on one of his bad days it's dire as he won't give anyone else a chance.
  14. I see that George Ford has been rewarded for his efforts by being rested on the bench. Doesn't Farrell want Ford to show him up?
  15. Is that @Port Said Red that you're sat behind? ?
  16. So we have 2 yellow cards for kicking the ball away but there are none for several cynical fouls by Argyle!
  17. Sky showing 2 matches plus red button. Can't get city on red button! ?
  18. 127 - 1 v Kent. Why all the changes to the batting order?
  19. May I refer you to the recent Millwall thread! ?
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