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Everything posted by Midred

  1. Not watched it for years but was always amused by the "non political" dynamics between Cyprus, Turkey and Greece. I imagine that the UK will host it next as a gracious gesture!
  2. Having seen most of those recently I'm not convinced by many of them. Paul Tierney at Spurs v Arsenal last night got most of the Arsenal decisions right but being the home team Spurs appeared to be allowed alot of leeway. No punishment for an elbow by Son and one or two Spurs players kicking out when tackled but again nothing.
  3. Thanks Dave. I take that apart from the currency quoted the two tables are comparable. There are some seriously underperforming clubs in the premier league!
  4. Dave, could you find a copy of the Premier league's club budgets please? I be interested to see the comparison between Norwich and Manchester City!
  5. I wonder whether after a season he'll still be confused why he's only worth half as much as Grealish?
  6. If only! ? I appreciate the irony as we all rely on OTIB!
  7. Reminds of the early 70's. Fairly comfortable, a few good seasons/ near misses and it was great going up to the First division but pre parachute payments many teams suffered if they came back down. Not least us!
  8. If Leeds do get relegated no one on Sky will be saying, "Ah Leeds, back where they belong." !
  9. If Forest go up it'll be a championship desert in the east midlands. Birmingham and Sheffield will be the nearest.
  10. Nothing this morning. Just names and geographical locations or even pronuniations, but that could be down to to the individual When it happens again I'll get back to you!
  11. I'm amazed when I listen to the BBC news in the morning how many "facts" they put out are just wrong. God knows how much the news "editor" earns but he must rely an awful lot on interns to research the stories. If it's not the first item on Google then it doesn't exist!
  12. At least we don't have to worry about Sheffield United anymore!
  13. Joey Barton's Bristol Rovers! ?
  14. 8 - 0 pitch invasion! Hopefully no horses around! God I thought they'd scored again!
  15. On the bright side it will be an away day for Wayne!
  16. Have they realised that they can score goals without penalties and sendings off?
  17. He brought his youth team over from France last week for a tour round and tickets for the Hull match. Seemed a very positive thing to do if he wasn't staying?
  18. No talk of sharing with Forest then? ?
  19. Midred

    League AGM

    If the linesmen can only run half the length of the pitch and quite often they only cover the middle third of that half then have 4 linesmen and then enforce where throw ins should be taken as in rugby. Where there is action in the penalty area there are obviously blind spots from both the linesman on the other side and the referee.
  20. You don't mean Derby and Burton Albion then!
  21. Midred

    League AGM

    Falling over or diving and holding on to the ball to prevent any play continuing should be punished. By doing this you are interfering with play and not playing to the whistle.
  22. Sounds like your eyesight is as bad as mine!
  23. We could have a banner for Leeds, "Back where you belong"!
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