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Everything posted by Midred

  1. Apparently he's one of the pl's best referees and he'll be sorely.missed...... In his own mind!
  2. You know that we'll be 3 - 0 up at half time! ?
  3. BBC just announced this news (off social media?) , neglecting to say that the deal has to be approved by efl.
  4. Will Q say this was imminently completeable?
  5. On the other hand will the other clubs think they've a fair bit of leeway in their box! Also that any "falls" in our box will earn them a penalty!
  6. To be fair if the referee and his assistants are keeping up with the play, debateable in some cases?, and watching what's happening the players shouldn't need to appeal! Would be interesting to hear a referees panel review the penalties that we haven't been awarded against the ones that have been given against us.There might be some interesting excuses!
  7. Just as well they don't have to play Cardiff!
  8. Any possibility that they can all be yellow carded before the game , Dave?
  9. Have to admit that I only saw 15 minutes in the second half before he got subbed.
  10. Can't see the X Files, GCHQ, MI5 or MI6 up there? ?
  11. I was watching St Jack Grealish the other night and he was continually shouting for the ball. He made one decent through pass but generally received the ball with nowhere to go and therefore passed the ball straight back. I could understand this if it gave the other players a chance to regroup but nothing else seemed to be be happening. Am I missing something with this £100,000,000 player? ?
  12. Some premier league players have become legends for the number of penalties that they "win".
  13. The cast of "Round the Horne" used to get allsorts passed the beeb!
  14. The main thing for us is he's not picked up an injury!
  15. I thought it was the sag's wives and girlfriends they were paying! Do Tickenham share the ground with Nailsea?
  16. Would this include all their favourite teams?
  17. I have and I'm still bemused!
  18. Why take so long about it though, is it because it's a worthy club?
  19. I think the efl have dug such a hole for themselves with Derby that any future cases will prove as difficult to resolve. Why would any other club in difficulties just roll over?
  20. A few years ago when Leeds were relegated and started with a 15 point deficit was there all this trouble then or did they just accept it?
  21. How many "very hard deadlines" have they had?
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