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Everything posted by Jerseybean

  1. Palace v Sunderland looks interesting, quite some finish to the first half
  2. Great post Havana thank you. Today it doesn't matter how we win, so long as we do. I feel remarkably confident that we will win 3-1 and agree with Taylor being on the bench. David Cotterill (who with the spotlight on MT has been somewhat over looked) will I think make a huge impact, he has the ability to provide width and quality crosses which we are in desperate need of. Having a fully fit squad available, a decent performance against Wednesday, the 35th anniversary of the AG8 and a run of away games throughout this month all add to the mix. Lets make lots of noise and remain positive throughout the entire game.
  3. Reach latches on to a long ball forward and advances to the byeline before squaring it for Forestieri to tap in from close range. There will be lots of goals tonight methinks (last two games between us and Weds have involved five goals) Just hope we win.
  4. Think there will be a few goals tonight and given recent games between us and Wednesday perhaps penalties too. Enjoy the highlights from last seasons 4-1 win here: https://owlsonline.com/?page=news&news_id=1733 Lets win well tonight and wipe out the memory of what happened at their place earlier this season......a defeat that was very hard to take under the circumstances.
  5. Great OP from Hav. Was expecting some reference to tobacco, as both they and us have seen the demise of this industry over recent years. Think we will win today 2-1 or 3-1, however, we weren't great against them at home so will need everyone really on their game today. First goal is always important, today it's critical IMO; if we score first the home fans will turn even more which will negatively impact their players. Should we go one down then our self-belief and confidence will be severely tested. So if you are lucky enough to be there today cheer us onto to an important three points.
  6. My missus gave me £60 the other day and said 'Get something that makes me look sexy.' She didn't seem overly impressed when I returned home pissed.
  7. What do you call a woman standing in goal? Annette.
  8. Happy Boxing Day City fans everywhere. Take a moment to review the posts so far on this thread and decide for yourself how many fall into the following categories: Informants - posters who claim to have vital and hitherto unknown information about what's about to happen e.g. incoming / outgoing players and managers. Often such posts start with 'Just seen xx in that chippy in North Street' or 'My sister's, ex-neighbour's, boyfriend knows a tattooist and guess what Tomo is having etched on his left buttock.' Kneejerk Jerks - a nebulous, constantly evolving sub-section who react to defeats, draws or victories without ever taking a balanced or long-term perspective. They race to their keyboards and thrash away instantly reacting to whatever the current trajectory happens to be. If we have suffered a loss, then the manager must go, whoever is scapegoat of the week is a waste of skin and we are plummeting to relegation. A win and the manager is a tactical genius, his signings a stroke of brilliance, last week's scapegoat a hero and we are heading to the promised land. Fantasists - those who are persuaded we are on the verge of the Premiership, sometimes referred to as deluded, the blind faithful or eternal optimists. Seen it all before - posters who will not be phased or surprised by whatever happens, often beginning their posts with 'As a life-long City fan....' or 'I remember when.....' Realists - contributors who weigh-up the evidence/facts, consider the pros and cons and look to offer something approaching a realistic/balanced view. Fuelled by emotion - the emotions vary, but frequently include anger, ecstasy, excitement, disappointment, expectation, frustration, disbelief, etc, etc. Often the feelings are so powerful that they simply consume the contributor. Educational - informative and remarkably well constructed posts which include historical, geographical, statistical, cultural, etc, etc, insights. Humour - which covers the whole spectrum, it frequently involves puns, sarcasm, observation, self deprecation, bonding-in-the-moment, low brow, dry wit, jokes at others expense (often the Gas) and over/under statement. Sometimes, for such posts, one word is all that's needed. Bashers - things are just never good enough, whether it's on or off the pitch it is just not good enough as far as such posters are concerned, otherwise known as the moaners, knockers, pessimists, etc. Gas Bashers make up a separate and discreet grouping. In x we trust - blind faith/optimism that the gaffer knows what he's doing and will turn it around totally opposed to in x we don't trust. Outsiders - fans from other clubs who generally start off with 'Hi xx here from xx FC I come in peace' nevertheless in no time at all the poster is involved in heated rows with pretty much everyone. For some unknown reason Gas Heads occasionally appear under this guise. CTID - regardless of everything else will support the City forever Look forward to seeing further labels being suggested for OTIB contributors.
  9. Given Bristol's strong nautical associations and history I enjoyed the somewhat comfortable reassurance as well as the global significance to your post today Havanatopia. So, particularly at Christmastime, City fan's - wherever you personally started your Bristol City journey, wherever it has taken you so far and regardless of where you are today - let's reflect, rejoice and remember there's only one Bristol City!
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