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Posts posted by AppyDAZE

  1. 1 hour ago, EstoniaTallinnRed said:

    What does he know, he was one of the worst City manager/coaches ever, remember the 9 goals conceded against Swansea and him crying in the middle of the pitch after a great player for us,  but should have never come back to us.  It was the old boys game again, in my opinion, a trouble maker.

    In fairness, it was only 7   :laugh:

    • Haha 1
  2. 1 minute ago, Ryan said:

    The one thing Nige didnt do was praise Steve, Jon and Maggie at every opportunity and talk about our amazing facilities. This seems to be the main criteria for everyone in a senior role at the club. This sacking has hit me quite hard as in my view Nige was the best manager we have had in the 40 years I have been a supporter. 

    In a nutshell.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Shauntaylor85 said:

    All he ever talks is promotion. It’s boring, ain’t gonna happen. 

    He talks promotion, but to be honest, I think he knows he's talking bollocks.

    He lost interest a while ago after Johnson junior didn't make it. He's not a football fan like the rest of us, he didn't grow up with it, he knows nothing.

    I really hope he sells up and ***** off.

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  4. With this plonker running BCFC I don't think I'm ever goiing to be surprised again tbh.

    **** knows who he has in his plans, but jolly good luck to the bloke for sure.




  5. So Lansdown thinks you get promotion by selling all your best players, investing nothing back from the transfer money, and not listening to a bloke who's been in football for **** knows how many years. Wow! what a genius. Oh and only really, really nice guys need apply for the new job btw, and don't you even dare have your own opinion.

    But hey ho, I'm told The Bears are doing nicely. And shouldn't we all be ecstatic for that.


    • Like 2
  6. 7 minutes ago, cidercity1987 said:

    I've never known our fanbase so united.

    What realistic steps can we take to get our Nige back? 

    10,000 don't turn up on Saturday might send a message?

    Start canvassing the players to strike, who clearly love the guy?

    The sad answer is nothing. It's his club, it's his money, it's his decisions, it's a rich bloke who actually resents the fans.

    He shows utter contempt for the poeple who know their football, after all SL wasn't really ever into football by his own admission.

    He knows **** all about it.

    The whole thing stinks to high heaven.

    I feel so sorry for Nige, I thought he might be around for a while to acheive his aim , but of course Mr Lansdown has to **** it all up again.

    A really shit day for us fans.

    Really, really shit.

    • Like 3
  7. 14 minutes ago, Sleepy1968 said:

    Didnt SL say something like he didn't care if we got relegated, LJ was still the man for him.

    I'm sure you're right and just goes to show that the bloke is clueless about football.

    Get him on rugby,  and well  now you're talking. Still remember his let's be happy for the bears success quote, yeah great.

    I fell for his bullshit, like a lot of us. No more.

    On football, Pearson knows his onions, SL knows jack shit.

    • Like 1
  8. Ed Hadwin, now is your ******* chance. Grow some and ask those question we know Geoff T would ask.

    If you do, fair play

    The vast majority of fans think the club is going to hell in a handcart, please let the bastards know.

    We are sick of it.

    • Like 3
  9. SL has total and utter contempt for the City fans.

    He knew for ages that we had had enough of Johnson, and so..   he stays on and on

    He knew full well that Nigel had a huge backing from the fans,   so guess what?

    He unfairly sacks him. It's a piss take.

    The bloke makes me sick to the stomach.


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  10. 6 minutes ago, Tinmans Love Child said:

    Yeh I can see that but that's what we had in Nige, I guess no choice is guaranteed to succeed.

    True, but we also had a strong character with his own ideas and one who clearly thought that Lansdown was a clueless *****, and unfortunately his boss picked up on it.

    I tend to agree with Nigel, and the thing I fear most is another novice.

    I think we need experience again, or we could be ******.

    • Like 1
  11. 8 minutes ago, Tinmans Love Child said:

    I wouldn't mind seeing an unknown foreign type to shake things up a bit, I don't know who, but the same old British names is so meh

    True, but it can be a massive risk if he's no experience of the English football league.

    Considering the position we are in, I think I'd prefer someone with a bit of experience of managing in England to be fair.

    All about opinions.


  12. 19 minutes ago, REDOXO said:

    I’m so bloody angry right now!

    I sent an email with thanks to Dean

    I know exactly what you mean by angry, and to think I actually stuck up for these muppets in the past when I thought some of the criticism was unfair.

    Now I believe they deserve every bit of shit they're getting thrown at them.

    I truly hope there are songs and chants (and lots of them) about the Lansdowns, and chants in support of Nigel.

    It needs to be done.

    PS I don't care if it upsets them, or Steve gets stroppy again with all his it's my money/club bullshit,

    They need to know that they haven't got a bloody clue and we want them out.


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