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Everything posted by AppyDAZE

  1. I've been listening to Classic JL. It's ******* shite.
  2. Approached Eddie ******* Howe What a clueless bag of shite this bloke is. Please, please. please GO and Go SOON.
  3. I wonder what Eddie said after he finally stopped laughing. It's like me asking Keira Knightley if she fancied a bit.
  4. SL's next young, up and coming football genius
  5. Not sure I even want to hear him speak, I just want him to get the **** out of our club. The ungrateful bstard.
  6. Eustace would be ideal. Then you'd have Eustace working for ******* useless.
  7. I miss Twentyman already. The new guys are ok, but GT was exceptionally good. I so wish he could grill Lansdown after this shambles.
  8. And Lansdown was in Costcutters, the sneaky fat ****.
  9. Pig sick. Lansdowns are utter and total mugs. Thank you so much for all you did, Nige.
  10. Absolutely gutted. **** you , Lansdowns.
  11. Bad at maths or just the usual lies and delusion?
  12. Thanks, Sweaty. But to be fair, usually you explain it by saying Roberts had taken a knock, not that he was limping around.
  13. Definitely old, but bloody marvelous.
  14. Pearson must have the eyesight of a hawk if he could see Roberts "limping around" from where he was. I think it was bollocks tbh. Another quirky little Nige thing. Weird times at BCFC and it's only going to get better/worse
  15. Roberts clearly isn't injured as such, Nige said he pulled him because he was "limping around" Read into that what you will, but he'll be available on Saturday.
  16. And he also said well that was my decision, in the way he does when he's pissed off. I think it was a weird thing.
  17. Want to see the goal again because it looked like a howler from Max, admittedly the bloke had all the space in the world to shoot, but it appeared to be straight at him.
  18. Can only think of the time he got clattered in the air jumping for a ball, but that didn't appear to have him limping. Strange, because I thought he looked decent tonight.
  19. I don't know if Ashton is likely to be there tonight, but let me assure you that we will do everything in our powers, search under every stone for the football club, to find him.
  20. Loved the tackle James made in the last game where he took the ball and everything. We seemed to improve after that moment, and that's exactly what we will need tonight. Hard, but sensible. Need to come out of the traps a lot quicker, cannot give up so many chances this time out, but we can do this. COYR!
  21. If Nigel leaves, we're on the pitch! There's another song for Wednesday night.
  22. Or a bit of Chas n Dave there ain't no pleasing you
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