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Everything posted by AppyDAZE

  1. I Got You Eating Out Of My Hand - It Bites
  2. Love Is The Law - The Seahorses
  3. The blues and Coverdale before he went all 80s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uEFChMd8-7U
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wO6bRjcyQN8 Early Zeppelin. nuff said.
  5. 74 75 85 95 05 15 25 and on ... there's no stopping time
  6. The 2000s, does this count as old yet??? Don't care. this is brilliant.
  7. Martin Tyler on drums.
  8. Gen x version of Zeppelin, but with shit vocals was how I always saw them. But Slash isn’t bad. Not bad for a Stokey
  9. I know where you’re coming from and let’s face it, the future hardly looks orange. But things can change. The beginning of the end started around the time music started becoming too easy to make. Ie home recording, computers, auto tune, predictable chord sequences, sterile sound, etc etc. sadly, I’m not gonna be around for Glasto 2040, so who give a toss :laugh:
  10. In fact, I’d say that is my fav Talk Talk song @spudski
  11. Living in another world is one of my favourites. The song that keeps changing between 3 different keys. I love that record. Brilliant live too.
  12. @spudski thanks to you I’ve just started listening to spirit of eden again. Phenomenal atmosphere on that album. Genius.
  13. Enjoyed that I remember Blossoms being good last year too.
  14. Or Yes. The Holy Bible is top notch rock n roll that still sounds amazing today.
  15. Sounded good. Shame I only caught the one song. Cheers.
  16. I know all about Mark Hollis, thanks. Been a fan for years and I agree with you. Doesn't mean to say that everything you don't like is shit. It's about personal taste. Why would you let any band get to you ? One man's meat and all that.
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