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Everything posted by AppyDAZE

  1. Can't believe the slating Arctic Monkeys are geting from some. I wasn't too familiar with their stuff before last night, but I thought they were superb. Thinking man's music after the same old noise assault stuff from The FF. BTW, only heard one song from someone who's name I have forgotten. An all girl band with a dreamy sound. Can somebody help? I enjoyed what I heard of them.
  2. Just spotted Wally coming out of Go Outdoors with a bags of odds 'n ends. The bloke's finally really splashing out.
  3. Aged 11 or 12, they were the first band I ever seriosously got into, the first band I ever saw live... not a bad standard to set. And I thin k his is the first ever TOTP thing I ever saw that made me think **** I want a guitar Now I've got 15 of the ******* and counting.. cant stop myself from buying them
  4. Rocket From A Bottle - XTC
  5. Sadly never got the recognition they deserved... The Beatles , 1965 They're known as the greatest ever for many reasons. Here's one of them.
  6. Arguably the best band out of America in the 60s Certainly one of the most influential bands of all time. I love THE BYRDS Here's a cracking alternate version of one of their B-Sides circa 67?
  7. Bungle In The Jungle - Jethro Tull
  8. 45 minutes of quality from start to finish.
  9. **** it! Have this... so uncool The Gallagher brothers* always slated them ... always a good recommendation to me!!! YES 1969 *always a good yardstick, if either of those guys don't rate it, it's worth checking out seriously.
  10. Once upon a time... when they were cool circa 72. Good music is good music and who gives a shit what is cool or not. But this is cool music end of.
  11. Mentioned this band the other week. Their music is just so great and rewarding... mixing pop, rock, prog (I know, how disgusting??) This song is one of those that gets into the head and just makes you feel sad every time you listen. The tune, lyrics, playing, vocals a little Gabrielesque intense, beautiful The short-lived band, It Bites.
  12. Sick, sober and sorry - Gene
  13. Music your granny and grandad used to listen to part two rock n roll
  14. Rock n Roll perfection. Still listening to this golden oldie. The Pistols, ya bunch of old farts
  15. In fairness, he took the medal pretty gracefully and he did put it on, as did Fred. I've seen worse losers.
  16. Not belittling pitch invasions, but all I saw was one bloke slightly push a player, then two players are laying down like they're dying. Abandoned? Very embarrassing.
  17. He's about to sign for Yatton.
  18. Unlikely :laugh: and anyway, it's summer and I'm missing football already. Not for me, I'm hoping for an epic.
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