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The Dolman Pragmatist

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Everything posted by The Dolman Pragmatist

  1. Year of the Knife ... Tears For Fears
  2. Homburg ... Procol Harum (hang on, haven’t we done this before?)
  3. Having sport on tv is one of the few things that has given me hope during the lockdown. Everything should be done to allow elite football to carry on, but I don’t see any players spitting or clearing their noses because they are prima donnas. It’s what sportsmen do, and it must be very difficult to stop doing it while you’re in the middle of a game, whatever the rules. A strict testing regime has to be the answer. However the field of play surely has to be regarded differently from what goes on in wider society. Are you suggesting that players should never go within two metres of each other? That would be interesting...
  4. The Wind Cries Mary ... Jimi Hendrix Experience
  5. I’m A Ramblin’ Man ... Waylon Jennings
  6. Sweets for my sweet ... The Searchers
  7. When An Old Cricketer Leaves The Crease ... Roy Harper
  8. I can see clearly now ... Johnny Nash
  9. Coward of the County ... Kenny Rogers
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