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Everything posted by Gazred

  1. Sad news. Along with Gow and Atyeo, he was one of my Dad's favourite players of all time. RIP
  2. The thought of him going to Bournemouth is of course a little uninspiring but if they stump up the cash where other clubs haven't, then fair play to them. They'll have made a fantastic signing and a sound investment ahead of bigger clubs. If he wants to play Prem football most weeks, it's a good move. Given his very young age, a year or two there would do his career no harm and would be a a decent stepping stone for his next move.
  3. If they'd been financially sound and sustained Championship football they might not of had to sell or could of demanded more. Must be painful selling to such a small club as ourselves.
  4. Another entry on Barton's CV. https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/sport/football/joey-barton-stadium-ban-bristol-8583815
  5. Fully expecting some sort of national coverage then over to the broadcast at 2.30pm for round the regional grounds, manager interviews etc before local commentary.
  6. Gazred


    Would of been a big scalp in context. He gave it his best. He's a dogged kind of player. Age and mileage not on his side these days.
  7. What's that line from Star Wars...You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. Mos Eisley Stadium.
  8. Gutted for him, so close and had to come from further back than he would of liked.
  9. Assaults a woman and basically ends up getting fined 2 weeks wages. Pathetic.
  10. I wouldn’t rule out anything at this point with the current incumbents through the club. They are a pox on many things.
  11. Yep, you can only sell them once. Flogged the family silver there and for what? I'd laugh out loud if the new owners objections put a stop to their new shed.
  12. Always amazes me that they can turn it on so late in a race at the top of a mountain. Brilliant to watch and it's still early days.
  13. I do like Cautionary Tales, very good. I can recommend Futility Closet if you like your historical trivia. They've stopped making them now and the first 20 or so are a bit rough on the production front but there are over 300 Eps so good to work backwards through them. Learnt a lot of random stuff from that pod.
  14. I think this goes some way to showing what an exciting talent he is. It's hard to put a "the next..." type label on him. Moves like Grealish on the ball, combatative and intelligent in midfield like a Gerrard or Bellingham but hard to make direct comparions to other players out there. Versatile but not a classic utility type either. He's fairly unique as a young up and coming English player. Worth every penny for whoever coughs up the cash IMO.
  15. Still being compared to Grealish, it's so lazy. Alex has more facets to his game than playing with his socks down! I do wonder if the average fan of West Ham for example actually know what they would be getting. He's not a winger.
  16. Probably harder to find him in this edition...
  17. https://pa.bristol.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=makeComment&keyVal=RSQK1RDNKSY00
  18. Here's a taster, gurt Teds in the objections I tell you... Comment Details Commenter Type: Neighbour Stance: Customer objects to the Planning Application Comment Reasons: Comment: Bristol Rovers have been constructing this stand without planning, or consideration for neighbours for a number of weeks, they have been starting works as early at 6:30am and concluding as late as 8pm. They have ripped down trees and shrubs which are necessary to protect privacy to residents on the street, and to act as a barrier for noise and the rubbish which comes from the ground, as well as being a loss for wildlife. The proposed stand is much larger, and will impact on the light in the street, the noise on match day and the number of people which park on the street which is already restricted. The new structure will clearly over shadow neighbouring homes and gardens. The increased capacity will significantly increase the number of cars on the narrow streets, and the number of people who park dangerously, the grounds do little to assist with this in any way currently. It also means residents with young children, or mobility issues, are often left unable to park near or on the surrounding streets to their homes. The ground already makes a significant amount of noise for local residents, and in the past they have left on their scoreboard emitting a high pitched noise often for days. If the capacity is increased the noise will also increase, this is often late into the night, and is not appreciated by those of us with young children. Trees on the boundary between residents gardens and the grounds have been ripped down with no consideration for neighbours privacy or the impact on the local wildlife, especially as we are in nesting season. I am concerned the impact that increased capacity has on the fire evacuation procedure, the grounds currently use the entrance on Alton road as an emergency exit, the close proximity of the stand to this exit, and the large number of people who would be on the narrow street is a cause for concern. Given the scale of the new stand and the impact on the surrounding properties it is going to stick out, as a metal box that does nothing to improve the visuals for the area The grounds have not responded satisfactorily to any queries raised by locals as to the impact the stand will have on them, they have not conducted any public consultation, giving adequate notice for attendance or with anyone who is involved in the project. They believe that they can build the stand no matter the impact, and that nothing will be done. Although the planning application has only been made live, they have already been sharing plans on their website and selling tickets for the stand, and started construction. Their actions suggest they are above any laws, rules and processes put in place that might hinder them having this stand operational for the new season.
  19. There was also that time they deep cleaned their curtains. Could come under renovations I guess.
  20. We should do exactly what West Ham have done with Rice and maximise the transfer. Not too often they get to sell a player on for big money, much like ourselves. Seeing two of the best English midfielders go for around £100m this summer helps our valuation...i think.
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