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Everything posted by Gazred

  1. Yep that's Jay in a nutshell. He'd could probably fit in a nutshell as well. Good deal, good player, good luck to him.
  2. Some pigeons are on the pitch...they think it's all over...!
  3. Look forward to the return of a cider with... they've been really good. The one with JP was superb. Enjoy the time you've got back next season lads, Cheers!
  4. "At the highest level, the first two yards are in your head".
  5. I'm guessing it looks better on her PR? Well placed England flag that's for sure!
  6. High quality first half from Man C. Enjoyed that. Surely Real have more to offer 2nd half.
  7. Fulham will have paid him more than we ever have or will. He won't be coming back for the money and he won't get an easy ride. Sure it's a 'nice' move should it happen but he would have to want to be here. As others have said, NP wouldn't have it any other way.
  8. Did Nicola Sturgeon issue his Passport? ?
  9. They've got a mortgage to pay don't you know. It's basically a buy to let job.
  10. I've reached that point in life when a night like that must be followed up with 2x Rennies. Good luck Sir! Thought I saw that Michelle Owen played, either that or it was Michael.
  11. Well it's an improvement of sorts.
  12. Gazred


    I agree. Not part of the competition up until now. No reason to use it just because they can.
  13. Could go swimming in those eyes! I've got a complete Football 86 somwhere from my prime, got, got need days. My double of Ian Rush got me 5 foil badges that i needed. Who knows what a Haaland is worth these days!
  14. A lot to conisder at this point. Which sides will be in the division with us, does Scott go, how much of that is reinvested. In terms of our general direction, we are headed the right way and i think there is every reason to expect a positive season.
  15. Is that a before, during or after pic? Hard to tell.
  16. Taken too soon. Always funny, even if the film he was in wasn't particularly good.
  17. He's just missing Aaron Collins for £5M to Wrexham for a full house.
  18. One of the parties involved is Mullin over the deal, no idea which but this isn't ripe pun material to start with.
  19. Pretty much any of John Hughes' work. The first 3 Indiana Jones movies. Lost count the number of times I've watched Goodfellas. Stir Crazy always makes me laugh.
  20. Pleased with progress on and off the pitch. Young players are a joy to watch. Progress again next season and we could be in the promotion mix.
  21. Was just commenting on this on the Alex Scott thread. It really looks like a fairwell to both ?
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