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Everything posted by Wellspokenman

  1. Agreed. Would love to see the new guys start alongside each other …. Just to see what if, mind you Bell alongside one of them…..there’s a thought
  2. Have to agree with you. I think he will struggle to break up the CB pairing of Vyner and Dickie which is pretty solid. He gave a good permance last night but I do feel Naismith’s best position is defensive midfield which is a role he performs brilliantly.
  3. Turn the automatic update off and on again. It will reload
  4. Agreed. This is just part of a much bigger picture to become more responsible from the top down. I read an article recently saying that he is also stopping the middle management at the club from having chauffeured cars and company credit cards. It seems that there is an arrogant and nonchalant attitude that runs right through the club and he is looking at a top to tail review to make all concerned more accountable. Makes sense to me.
  5. Let’s take a breath. We have a good central defensive partnership. on the full backs, Tanner looks promising, but Pring needs to replicate last season. It’s there but needs to come out. Without that drive, Bell is ineffective. Sykes, is really impressive in the right flank but he and Bell need to cross more from deeper to service Conway in the middle. Centrally we are pretty good and Knight is impressive, but in real terms we need another good attacking CM to accompany a good new striker, or allow Conway some additional company up front. The only difference between us and the top teams is really a couple of players. They have a good striker - we don’t. Norwich and Boro were no different. Did I enjoy the game ? Not really, but I was with my lad, and his company, a pasty and a couple of pints of Gold, and it became, as it always does, an enjoyable afternoon.
  6. We normally do badly after an international break, so throw in a new manager ….. ???? Fingers crossed but hope for the best, prepare for the worst…
  7. Junior Bent - could either run or kick a ball, but sadly never at the same time
  8. I am now unable to go the game, and have 2 tickets available to sell at face value should anyone be interested. Block Z3 row B seats 89 & 90. DM if you are interested.
  9. It’s a bit like the Harry Potter Chamber of Secrets but a bit less visited.
  10. I am so sorry to hear that. My heart goes goes out to the pair of you. What you have been through ? Really - none of us can fully appreciate.
  11. I hope so, as our dead ball plays are just woeful ! One area of the game that you would think could easily but improved upon.
  12. Wells always runs for little return….wonder why ?
  13. Well, we will know in a few weeks whether that was a poor performance or a point gained. Time will tell. I do despair that we seem to gone back to hitting a long ball when we are against bigger opponents ? ?? Cornick over Sykes ? Still don’t get it, or what he brings to the team, and disappointed overall really that we seem to have not progressed and have a gaping hole in midfield with no playmaker. Hey ho…..
  14. Have to be honest. I was sat right by there when it happened. Not sure what was funniest….the actual event, or seeing the guy after the game trying to get the flag back…brilliant and great banter !
  15. The spelling in the Guardian is so bad, they are probably talking about Pish
  16. Even Mrs Well Spoken Man thought this was a bit of harsh on the young lad. She’s even had another Sherry to calm her nerves bless her ! He’s got speed, confidence and conviction. At his age, he can learn the rest.
  17. I think your spelling is incorrect too. When you say that your Son is appealing, I think you meant you Son was appalling…
  18. A Quiz question for you all, based upon some interesting web viewing Silvio. On the next tab open to the screenshot, what is the missing word ? ”Someone threw a brick at my c……” I will start the ball rolling with Car ??
  19. Probably looking to sign another 60 players I suspect…
  20. As The Strangers famously said “its nice in nice” RIP Dave Greenfield…
  21. Good evening chaps, my word don’t emotions run high this evening… A little bit of perspective one thinks… If, and it is a big if, Nigel were to leave, do you really think things would improve ? Really ? Better the devil you know at this point in time. We have a reasonable first 11, and a poor subs bench. Not Nigel’s fault, not in the least. The blame goes far higher up the management scale I’m afraid. After 12 games the situation may look terrible, but I believe in Mr P. If anyone can, he can…well let’s hope so anyway ?
  22. As a friend of the family, it is indeed true Sir…..
  23. A bit harsh, and I really feel for the lad. He has obviously impressed in the under 21s to be given a shout. One of those nights where what could go wrong, did go wrong. His confidence was hit and to drag him off before half time would have humiliated and destroyed him. His teammates from what I could see, did their best the pick him up, and I saw Weimann on a last a couple of occasions go up to him and and offer support. Sykes did him no favours with his perpetual lack of defending support. One of the reasons we are so exposed every match down our right flank.
  24. For the record, Joe didn’t want to leave, and only did so because LJ refused to enter discussions to renew his contract, forcing him to look for a new club. Says more about LJ than it does Joe. During their final season Joe and Bobby were actually the lowest paid first team players.
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