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Everything posted by Mattredrobin

  1. Real shame one of my favourite players at city, not the greatest ability but would give 100% every single game wish him all the best.
  2. Not to surprised he will play regularly at barnsley, probably only going to be a bit part player here. hope it works out for him.
  3. Really excited about this signing, an area we've struggled with for a while, sounds genuinely excited to be here too.
  4. Nice to see other club's appreciating our business hopefully a few more to come.
  5. Thinking back to Richard Gould's interview with twentyman at the last game of the season i'm sure he said we'd asked the efl to give clarity on this around the middle of june so i'm sure we should hear something soon.
  6. Really like the new shirt, i think it's great that the club try different things and you cant please everyone , can't wait to see the away shirt.
  7. I'm unsure of my actual 1st game but I was when I was 4 in 1989.....my dad said to my mum he'd never take me again 32 years later were still going together, my earliest memory is when we'd just sold super Bob Taylor and the fans signing his name.
  8. RIP fellow red thoughts are with his family and friends.
  9. I think for O'dowda it could be good for him to drop down a league and be the main man in a side get his confidence going a kick on from there.
  10. Footage doesn't look good, but without the context of the whole situation it's hard to say what should happen, hopefully it's all investigated and they come to the right punishment.
  11. Not seen this anywhere else other the transfer pages but mark sykes undergoing his medical today with us. Great were getting the signings in early
  12. Does anyone know when the new kit is due to be announced ? Hoping to get the new shirt for my grandads 90th birthday present. not sure on how long it is before they go on sale after being announced. might just have to get this seasons one.
  13. Was meant to put my post below as a reply to you.
  14. Sorry to hear this buddy. I know exactly how that feels , it's so hard isn't it I've learnt recently though that when they do say things, you can only go on instinct and mine has been correct everytime. My exes family have reached out to me because they worked her out too, it's so shit that people have to be like that, when all there focus should be on their child and just give them they love they crave, just have to hope they work it out themselves and they come out the other side ok. Obviously we don't know each other but if ever you need a chat about things always here to lend and ear ( it's nice to know there's are people who are experiencing the same sort of things even though it's shit we have too go through it ).
  15. certainly some on there we should be considering, did pearson manage lawrence when he was at derby ? nyambe I think would be decent as rb option. some decent wingers too, bowler at blackpool but imagine higher placed sides would be in for him.
  16. great that we are picking these players up early, obviously it's only one game but how many times have we picked young players up and they've not really come to anything or been linked with players who go onto to do great things elsewhere who we could have got, whilst there are loads of things our club needs to sort out, our u23's recruitment and development is certainly a massive positive.
  17. Really excited by this guy, has looked great for the u23's and has a had a very quick rise to the 1st team, was he released by grimsby or did we pay for him ?
  18. Just little steps at the time and before you know it you will be all sorted and happy ?
  19. Oh dear, sounds very hectic, my ex is fine now no dramas but we share a son so still have to speak with her.
  20. Tough times......I can relate to having an ex like that ...though not on any scale you're describing here, she sounds very unpredictable I hope somewhere in the future you can get some peace from it.sadly mine will always be in my life.
  21. Great result, funny what a difference a week makes in football, always been behind Pearson, really pleased we've confirmed safety now and look forward to a positive summer.
  22. Currently watching this, really difficult to watch, was to young to really remember the height of fame Saville had, and only when he died did I hear rumours that people knew what was going on but watching that and the actual truth that he was questioned about it by police and it was quiet and open thing turns my stomach.
  23. Can't believe that. Can't imagine Burnley fans being to happy about that.
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