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The turtle

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Everything posted by The turtle

  1. Journeyman - not so good Mercenary - higher level player matching expectations for that level, no connection to that club, moves on. Adomah isn't actually either of these words Tevez for example, more of a mercenary Morata - somewhere between both Andy Carroll - journeyman, just couldn't stay fit, but often worth a punt ....... Thinks its also a bit of a crossover British English, more about the clubs at a lower level. American English, more about reasons behind the moves and not achieving
  2. The Chiefs had no right to win that, they were dead
  3. Basso, Webster, Marv, Albert, goater
  4. First time I've ever seen a ref and gone ffs. Generally don't care, but him, ffs
  5. I like quite a few in this year, what are the chances Bengals Chiefs Packers Rams (but its changed a bit)
  6. Happy birthday otib Was here in the 90s, in early 00s..... Skipped 10 years... Returned to the joys of this place. Read tonnes Comment a little .. (so much so probably barely noticed ?)
  7. It still remains odd to me how in Spain, season tickets get you access to men's league (and cup) , woman's, youth, and reserve football as part of the season ticket.
  8. In believe In 2020 an event in the stadium car park had to be cancelled due to toilets being in Wales
  9. So the 7 young uns + 4 turned out to have more than a bit of fight about them after all. Read a lot about who is blame during this game. So I guess it begs the Question, who gets the credit?
  10. Copied for future use, that's brilliant
  11. Top guy as well, was great for an away day in younger years.
  12. I really don't mind players giving it back, getting involved with fans. It's all part of the game as far as I'm concerned. That's not the point of this post. My question is why? I've never seen a player respond like that before for no apparent reason? Was it from a previous game? Did I miss something in today's game? Any clues as to why he reacted like that? To me it just didn't make any sense. Normally it's a bit of back and forth, can't think of a time where I've seen a player act to that level just because. Did I miss something?
  13. When I do that, and they do care so I get drenched as it's pissing down, I'll be sure to think of you., ?
  14. Back from Spain for Christmas, I have my EU vaccination passport. Will that be sufficient to get my in the stadium? Or Do I need to tag it to something else? I've read the OS, I think it's enough, but not 100%. I've attached a screen shot for any expert in the room.
  15. Mr jordon has a massive spectrum, in terms of opinións. From completely off the mark moron to perfectly reading the room. When it comes to Mr Taylor he is bang on. (well at least for me ?)
  16. He was basically my first football winger. I was in awe of his pace. As a kid I specifically remember being very upset when leaning, bent, and Newman left.
  17. My feelings exactly. Effort was there, digging in was there . Some of the young ones look the part, like real prospects, big fan of Benarous. But on another day that's a 1-3, 1-4 game. How we see the effort and tough out is based on chances they should have scored not being taken. And they really should have. The football paradox I guess. Most of the 2nd half was just waiting for the gane to end. Its results mode only at the moment, the faster we get them the better.
  18. It came up on the part about the west country. Acknowledged the fact we give him a lot of stick. Come across that he thinks it's all part of the game, no issue with him. Thinks, deep down, there is respect there.
  19. When I moved to Madrid, the difference in public transport blew my mind. AND CHEAP (even if it has gone up over 10 years) 55€ for the month: metro, bus, airport access. An absolute bargain. Never mind the fact the system in itself is fantastic. Every time I come back to Bristol, the serious b***hing begins alone. 7.50 for a single from the airport Tickets which don't count on conpetitor services. And the timetable. I don't need to say more. Truly, you don't realise what's possible till you live elsewhere.
  20. We are playing such boring, dull and pointless football, might as well do it on purpose ??. Then we might do it better.
  21. While you may be right, I'd be happy just to score a worldie v my cat.
  22. Emphatically I've always been in the no camp. Call me ideological but I've always wanted to see city succeed a certain way, playing a certain ways. Some clubs it's about results, others it's about the way you play, with City I truly think it's both with an astrix. What I mean by that is, as I fan base we know we'll lose games, we know they'll be games where its backs against the wall; it's often these games where a stadium comes into its own, but our default expectation is effort with an intent to entertain. With this in mind, look at the last 2 seasons and a half. Since the beginning of last season We've not even bothered to have a proper winger who actually goes at full backs in the squad. It's a nonsense. The city way Coterill had this. Johnson had it in patches, his problem was the spectrum was just so extreme. But at some point under Johnson it just fell away, it happens. (wolves was his sliding doors moment) Holden was just dull, and under Pearson, nothing has changed, win or lose its mostly boring with goals being the entertainment. Watching City is a slog and mostly hard work, and living aborad I don't even get the before and after with mates anymore (the hardest thing about living abroad btw) 2.5 seasons is a long time for the magic in football to be missing. My point here is If the football is that unbelievably dull right now, would appointing warnock actually be any worse? AT LEAST WE WOULD BE DULL ON PURPOSE. Maybe just maybe he might just unite the team and the fan base, and sign some quick players out wide on the process. I hope Pearson can turn it around, but if we do decide to change direction, would warnock be so so terrible? Someone talk some sense into me, as to me right now, he almost seems like the man for this moment. (meanwhile I go look in the mirror, looking at myself in utter shame)
  23. End of an era, part of the football furniture. The word legend is used too often, he more than deserves it. SIR Jeff Stelling if you ask me.
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