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Ron W

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Posts posted by Ron W

  1. 20 minutes ago, Jimbo76 said:

    The odd 'Manning Out' zealot turning up with a hint of humility.

    Maybe, as I previously suggested, a little premature in the judgement and definitely inappropriately personal in nature.

    I wasn't 'Manning In'. I said give him some  time and limit the personal abuse.

    I am however enjoying the subtle first efforts at U turns that are now cropping up.

    Some of the big guns still holding out though. 😜

    I completely understand people don't want to be patient especially when sitting through some of what we've watched this season but it's just a bit of a non-event - he's not going anywhere, especially now we're safe.

    Taking a leaf out of WSM Seagull's book, wherever we finish this season doesn't mean all that much, you'd expect a fair amount of movement this summer. A lot can change between now and the start of August, Manning clearly has some pedigree albeit limited and this is slightly pointing out the obvious but the first 10 games of next season, that feels like the right time to judge.

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  2. 1 hour ago, W-S-M Seagull said:

    So if Ipswich blow promotion this season then that should be seen as a success because at the start of the season they didn't think they would go up? 


    Expectations are fluid. 

    We blew top 2 and then lost the final which we should have won. That can't be considered a success. 

    It's a decent achievement to go from league one to championship play off final within one year but its not a success. 

    The fact we are supposed to consider these failings a success is exactly why we are known as 'little Bristol City' who are happy to accept mediocrity. 

    In the wider context, yes. Being second after 30 games doesn't mean you're good enough to be there after 46 games. That's exactly what we found out when the momentum started to ebb away in the second half of the season.

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  3. I’ve kept this to myself until now but not long after LM was appointed I spoke with someone who had worked with him indirectly in one of his previous jobs.

    He didn’t comment on his ability as a manager. That’s clearly got some promise, or he wouldn’t have got Oxford or MK looking good.

    However, he was pretty negative about Liam’s man management. He called it robotic, long before I read it from anyone here.

    He didn’t rate the idea of removing emotion from the game, but did concede it was a very ‘new-age’ way management was going.

    At the time I took it with a pinch of salt, LM came to us having got Oxford into a decent position, and started fairly well here. The biggest concern imo was how different it sounded from Pearson, who quite clearly was still a very popular/influential voice in the dressing room at the time he was sacked.

    It might still be wrong, but it’s interesting that same warning sign has resonated so strongly with our fans, and is being reflected on the pitch too. Can Manning manage “without emotion”? Clearly, yes. Can he do it here? Much more difficult question to answer.

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  4. 5 hours ago, Kid in the Riot said:

    Whoever mentioned Mark Warburton yesterday, fair play, as he'd be a great shout to head up the footballing operation.

    He was responsible for Brentford's entire internal restructure 10 years ago, which appears to have done alright. 

    61 years old, out of work - what a shame it's pie in the sky to think the owners would employ anyone like him into that role. 

    I might be wrong here but the impression always seemed to be Warburton left because he wouldn't get on board with the footballing operation being remodelled to fit the Benham moneyball style?

    • Thanks 2
  5. 5 hours ago, ralphindevon said:

    As Ron is one of our own, I wonder if we can expect a player profile on SSN every week?

    I’d love to say yes but the Great British public are still taking some convincing to a weekly City profile.

    This was the contracted interview for the Southampton game, which the club kindly also put Andrew up for.

    There’s no guarantee these stories will even get airtime if something big comes along, but fortunately the producer working last night loved Ross’ story and put it in the running order.

    It’s never a perfect gauge but meeting Ross on Tuesday he seems like one of football’s genuinely good guys and everyone I spoke to at City about him couldn’t speak highly enough of him. So at the very least, we’ve got a good egg in the dressing room.

    • Like 16
  6. 3 hours ago, Sir Geoff said:

    Think you were defo in an alternative universe, yesterday. I was on here for much of the day and don't recall anyone saying we would get hammered by Coventry.

    'Pining' for the previous manager. Grow up. People were having reasoned debate which a forum is all about.

    Another game that we haven't won last night, with our top 6 / end squad. People, me included are  not going to stop questioning the change of manager and will not rest until BT and JL admit they dropped one or eff off altogether.

    Without casting any judgement on the rights or wrongs of this viewpoint, what likelihood do you think this has of actually happening?

    • Like 1
  7. 10 hours ago, W-S-M Seagull said:

    To get him in the team we have to drop one of Bell, Mehmeti or TGH. Players that you would consider to be projects.

    A contingency plan without having an option? How does that even work? 

    If ST is a success here and I hope that he is, it’s a double edged sword as him performing well for us will mean to buy him will cost more.  

    If we’re going to do well in this league we need a good squad, and if having to pick two of Bell, Mehmeti and Sykes plus three of Knight, TGH, James and Williams is part of that I’m not seeing the problem?

  8. 1 hour ago, Murraysrightplum said:

    Apparently an Argyle fan but grew up in Bristol and watched us hence the knowledge. Can anyone confirm that? 

    He spent many of his young days on the Williams gantry because his dad was also involved in broadcasting, I believe.

    Anyone who went up there will give testament that you don’t forget that climb in a hurry and I think instead of trauma it led him to a life of commentary. But certainly BCFC all the way.

  9. Always used to think teams who went up from this league had a horrible CDM. A Shaun Derry type.

    Not saying we’re going to win the league, but we’ve got that position filled at least.

    Finally got his legs back and he’s the player we thought we were buying.

    • Like 1
  10. 21 minutes ago, RedRoss said:

    Isn't that reaction fair game considering the reaction in this topic.

    You (don't mean you particularly) can instantly moan when things aren't going right but can't accept it instantly coming back when things are going well?

    I'm not getting too excited with our current run as some, same as I wasn't overly concerned as others when results weren't going our way.

    However, I can see why there might be an element of dick wavving as you put it because of the outpouring of negatively that spreads on here when results don't go our way by certain posters who suddenly don't say a dickie bird until the next loss.

    It's true, and tempting, but what does it add? What if we go on another bad run and then the opposite applies? Can we not talk about the pros and cons of City, and Manning, without doing this?

    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, Scrumpty said:

    I too remain a big NP fan, but there is a but… NP created the foundation, putting into place multiple foundations BUT, was he the right person to take us forward? Possibly.

    However, the person I most respect in business told me he had a maximum 2 year shelf life. By that time he’d ruffled so many feathers, it’s time to move on. Time for a fresh face.

    You might want to have a word with them given he was here and at Leicester more than two years.

    Some of the stuff against LM has been harsh, but generally understandable. It’s not often any manager takes over from someone the fans actually wanted to keep.

    Season has a long way to go, there will be a lot of judgements along the way but let’s see where we are in May.

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