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Everything posted by KegCity

  1. KegCity


    It’s all ifs and buts though. He’s had 3 different managers to find a system that suits him and none of them have been able to do it. The common denominator is COD. I don’t really know what his strengths are, aside from occasional flashes there’s not been a whole lot to shout about from his performances throughout his time here.
  2. Was he not injured when he arrived? Been a terrible signing so far unfortunately.
  3. KegCity


    He’s a waste of time. Has had more than enough opportunities to show quality and he more often than not fails to deliver. Wish he’d gone to Leeds.
  4. We're in a much stronger position as a club now than we were when Pearson took over. Performances have improved massively, we no longer roll over and take a defeat and show some fight - all hypothetical but I doubt 12 months ago we'd have fought for 3 points like we did yesterday. Certainly a lot of work (and recruitment) to do to be a threat to the top 6 but we're on the up.
  5. Don’t mean this to put him down, but he’s what we need: a competent championship forward. Knows exactly his role in the side, does it very well and performs consistently. Really can’t ask of any more from him.
  6. I see both sides of it, for me it'd be nice to not get caught in the half time fight for a pint and then have to either down it or watch the first few minutes of the second half in the concourse. There will definitely be idiots throwing pints around when a goal goes in though. Ultimately, if you can drink in the stands at Rugby, Cricket and other sports then you should be able to at football. Yet another example of the harsh treatment football fans get from authorities in general.
  7. Think he was on the touchline in the second half against Fulham to be fair.
  8. He's just as useless when he's playing regularly. Still dining out on that goal v Norwich, going to have to step up his game massively if he's going to offer us anything past this season.
  9. Martin needs a rest. For one it's hindering our performances but also could see him getting injured if he's run into the ground as he was last season. Bakinson also looks miles off the pace, was disappointed with him against Fulham. Think last night has been a good reminder of just how threadbare our squad is.
  10. Massive improvement on Bakinson, who looked out of his depth. He’s got a some work to do to dislodge King from the lineup once both fully fit though.
  11. Has Zak shown it? Not seen it myself but happy to be proven wrong by any stats. We've also started working on a new system that is going to take time to work out, unless the switch to 3-5-2 would be permanent we need to work through the difficulties of getting used to a new system. I prefer Dasilva at left back too but think he's more comfortable at wingback then Vyner.
  12. Considering Vyner and Dasilva don’t suit playing wingback, it’s not a great shout really is it? The relationship between Gregor and Pearson is strange, feel like another memorable Pearson quote is round the corner…
  13. Few people would argue that we didn't have good times under Johnson, it's the way we fell apart as a club after the Wolves game that are the problem and in my opinion outweigh those good times. We had a great run and made some great memories, but Johnson started the slide towards mediocrity and undid a lot of his previous achievements. Ultimately it's not that relevant for the thread or discussion over who started the slide, it's happened and Pearson is now tasked with doing a similar rebuild job to Lee Johnson whilst having considerably less funds and very few players with resale value.
  14. Comfortable enough with the momentum moving in the right way, had Watford fans furious he’d been sacked. My question for those who’ve clearly decided Pearson isn’t the man for the job after 2 games of the season, is who would you rather rebuild the team, both on and off the field? Someone with less experience?
  15. Apologies, he left them above the bottom 3 with the support of the dressing room.
  16. It’s not so much shrugging it off, more accepting that this is genuinely the worst position I’ve seen a championship City side in since we last got relegated. I don’t care if our B team lose to Forest Green, the focus is on building the core of a solid side, not whether the remaining deadwood can not bottle a match after spending 2 years bottling matches. For me it’s his spell at Watford that encourages me rather than Leicester, kept them up comfortably and has identified our weak areas well and began to address them. I’ve not been baffled by a team selection recently, the internationals haven’t had a full pre season and arguably aren’t first choice anymore anyway. Baker and Atkinson are both competent and nothing to do with the atrocious back line of last season, Nagy wants out and Wells has to compete with Martin for the only starting spot. Yep, two crocked players are injured again, water is wet. The proof will be in the pudding of whether players without poor injury records manage to stay fit. Are we mentally weak? We’ve lacked focus in moments, 6 months ago we lacked focus full stop. There’s improvement. It’s not fully fixed, but if Pearson had managed to wave a magic wand, teach the players what a football is, how to defend and how to score without switching off in such a short space of time he probably wouldn’t be at Bristol City.
  17. I’m not saying to not have hope, it’s the only thing keeping us going, but to ignore the state of the squad and the coaching it’s had is silly. I don’t disagree with anything you’ve said, hence why we’ve brought in two leaders in King and James and why Pearson has focused on shape and discipline. If baker had followed his man on Saturday we’d have 3 points and not be having this conversation. Unfortunately this is going to be a long, rough season, as a fan base we’ve got to accept it and support the rebuild.
  18. I agree. Predictions had us finishing around 17th this season, we're playing like we'll finish there. Why is this suddenly a surprise?
  19. Again, it's been happening for literally years. We're playing the same players who've been doing it for years. Until the ones that aren't good enough are shifted it will keep happening. Individual errors have costed us in both fixtures. Pearson has to take responsibility, but it's been happening long before he arrived so it clearly isn't entirely down to the manager.
  20. Johnson who was here for considerably longer and Holden who managed to shithouse wins at the start of the season whilst putting in worse performances? You're not wrong, but doesn't contextualise the situations of each manager. Tonight's result is certainly poor, I just don't understand the surprise? I thought we'd all accepted this was to be a tough season, with a hell of a lot of mistakes, bad habits and generally poor play that had seeped in for 2 years to be coached out. Unsurprisingly, playing fringe players who were around for the last 2 years meant we slipped back into old habits in key moments. Not good enough by any stretch of the imagination, but hardly unexpected.
  21. Sadly that wasn’t how he left the squad, which was in a fragmented state being unable to defend properly, hold on to leads or create chances. Holden then did nothing to improve that situation, made it worse and we now have to remedy it. You can be playing manor farm, switching off is switching off, regardless of level.
  22. So if Pearson was shouting on the sideline and nothing actually changed on the pitch, that would be enough for you as you personally could see him “manage”? Each to their own, I didn’t realise shouts per 90 was the measure of a manager these days.
  23. “The rot” has been significantly reduced as we saw against Blackpool. Are we suddenly able to see out a game, something we’ve been unable to do since Lee Johnson’s time? No. That’s certainly an issue, but when we’re still playing the same morons who’ve bottled matches for the last two years it’s hardly a shock is it?
  24. The meltdown I’ve seen on social media is pathetic. Is it news to people that we have a poor squad that have picked up some terrible habits from Lee Johnson and subsequently Holden? This rubbish is not an overnight fix, we all know we lack goals and we are still trying to assert some defensive discipline into the side. Why is it a shock to then struggle to create chances and lose focus at the end of a match? I’d like to have seen more progress on seeing out games and creating chances, but they’re issues that have plagued this squad for the last 18 months- 2 years. These will take time and money, the latter of which we don’t have, to fix. I’m not saying Pearson has been perfect or that these results have been acceptable, but **** me some people need to give their heads a wobble. This is the start of a long rebuild, accept the situation and have some patience.
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