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Jim Davey

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Posts posted by Jim Davey

  1. On 09/11/2021 at 12:20, TheReds said:

    Indeed, and I have no shame whatsoever using it. 

    If this is the crisis that these people are telling us it is, then why are they literally doing nothing about it themselves, bar virtue signalling to the peasants of society? Why do they still go on holiday and get flights (mainly private jets)? Why do they still have gas guzzling motors? The climate spokesperson for the PM drives a diesel and not electric, whilst telling people to go electric. How are Gretas people getting everywhere, it wouldn't be flying would it?

    I just don't understand how these people know so much about this crisis, and know how much damage we are all doing to the planet, yet they cannot be bothered to even practice what they preach and do absolutely nothing - they cannot be that worried can they.

    It's hypocrisy of the highest order, and quite frankly all they are all doing is making people think "why bother".

    Emma Thompson being one off the biggest hypocrites of them all

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