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Jim Davey

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Everything posted by Jim Davey

  1. and drive a ford cortina estate full up with puppies
  2. My three nephews lived live a 2 minute walk from cesspit central ,none them wanted to go anywhere near that swamp , not that I would of let them mind.
  3. so they have just excluded one of their best customers.
  4. long way when your towing a caravan.
  5. we really are pretty amazing ,no your not your a bunch of knobheads .
  6. no I think they call call it back door bonanza.
  7. There's a lockout on tipping point tonight apparently ,thinks his team are on the up
  8. what the kcuf are these pricks sniffing ,deluded pricks.
  9. never realised they actually have to pay to watch that load of old tripe.
  10. They did play like Barcelona last week apparently .
  11. The sooner those ***** go bankrupt and disappear the better ,vile club vile fans .
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