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Oh Louie louie

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Everything posted by Oh Louie louie

  1. John bailey used to come in the supporters club most Sunday mornings, rolled up Sunday people newspaper and some sandals
  2. This is how a savvy manager behaves, if the boot was on the other foot and Bournemouth came out with this line, knowing a few clubs are monitoring the situation and we want the player, personally I'd he happy.
  3. Wonder what bonus system Rob newman was on at man city, bet he wasn't slipped some extra sausages there
  4. Rob newman was sponsored by pogsons the butchers on st johns lane,
  5. The hot dogs being sold ten yards, from the urinals in the east end never hurt anybody
  6. Ironically he said reading and Oxford can't survive on these gates, if we merged we would keep our heads above water...
  7. Could have chucked Aldershot in for a quid, can recall another character going on wogan posing as a millionaire saying he was going to buy them, turns out he had 17 pound in the bank!
  8. Yes around then, football purist robert Maxwell tried to merge them with reading, thames United! Naturally like most chairman had no Idea how fans think
  9. A clarkes pievan record sales, was 800 odd I was told from a xmas game last season, used to chat to a gentleman in befred who worked there, I said with north street everything else nearby, I wonder how much of support base it draws I said, would it help if I drawed you a pie he said ..
  10. The qué for the game in 98 99 streched right around into the residential street, was one of ivans first games I think and somebody missed a sitter infront the away end from two yards out, think it was torpey
  11. Add enochs name to that list, yep jevons scored twice in his last game for us, in the cup
  12. Guarantee they are gullible as usual, probably another company like snackbox
  13. David icke said he was in a petrol station late at night, and a craft landed, a being gets out, and emptys the petrol pump, into the craft, the attendant comes running out waving his arms around and shouts thats 14ks worth of fuel, can you pay? The alien assures him he can, then he emptys another pump, 7ks worth this time, he then calmly walks in the station and says, got change of a 30000 zooyianilandi note?
  14. The second leg against the Andorran minnows is coming, after the Blackpool debacle the weekend, where Hibs took thousand's I sense patience is wearing thin, could be sacked before a ball kicked in the leauge,
  15. Manning as a coach Chaplin upfront they got no chance, sound like a bunch of comedian's to me .
  16. The original bounty hunters piss taking out of rovers was funny, they found someone by the name of Gerry Francis who was caught pleasuring himself in his car, in the courts section from a Birmingham newspaper obviously wasn't him but it was that type of humour,
  17. Phil you are the biggest shit stirrer on this site, yeah they got mouthy with me, i think you conviently forgot that, and i told them how I view them, coaching 9 year olds, not wordly wise,
  18. I was going out to Phil in France laughed at me, and clarified it, I mean where can i show my face now, probably just get a few cans, some patronising people on here lately
  19. No need for clarity Phil im glad I made you laugh, another way of looking at it is he who laughs last last longest no
  20. And im mildly amused by two under 12 coaches attitude's to say thel least, hardly Clough and Taylor
  21. No point like I said anyone who thinks ljs a good manager, or was a industrial like player, like you, how can you argue that?
  22. Hmm it's hardly like ive been told he's the best thing since sliced bread on this thread, be some more good debates
  23. Laugh my head off if he gets the bullet soon, some people here Will still be giving him the benefit of the doubt, guarantee it, every time this clown opens his mouth something more ridiculous comes out, how any of you respect him is beyond me
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