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Oh Louie louie

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Everything posted by Oh Louie louie

  1. The paper, should just rename itself, the bullshit factory.
  2. After his debut. one of the best ive seen from a young un in years. He would have had a few teams watching him il bet. Only stating the obvious, but we are going to struggle to keep this kid next year.
  3. I wouldnt be at all suprised if they end up homeless again.
  4. I just heard on the radio, they are letting in 3 thousand, i think, in doncaster races today.
  5. Prince harry and meghan, are having a party, and inviting many a list stars tonight i see. There is speculation about them releasing, a statement in the press that they intend to tell people at the party about the pitter patter of tiny feet arriving. Turns out tom cruise cant make it
  6. Fury will knock aj into next week. Everything he said he was going to do to wilder, he did. No denying wilders a class act, made him look like a rabbit in the headlights.
  7. That season they were top 2 for for most of the season and thet went on a losing streak, i recall they lost at cardiff and didnt make the play offs. I think it was the season pulis was here, they had a real bad run then.
  8. I worked with geoff merrick in roughly 2004, hes a sound bloke, and was still pushing wheelbarrows and mucking in then. It was a massive job at longwell green in asda, there was a older leeds fan there who was made up to meet him. No airs or graces about him.
  9. For that mboro game when they came down to the old divsion 3, for the away game i recall people having a not for the squeamish ticket. A few people had there doors put through around ashton and bedminster,. That same season i think, the evening post reported chester city fans brought blades to ashton gate.. I think the post sent a undercover reporter into the luckwell pub, to find out about the boro game.
  10. Elm park had a bit of atmosphere. Unlike that souless place that got now in the middle of nowhere. Last time i went there we lost in a cup match and i recall gilkes getting a hat trick in the 2nd leg. Ive never returned to that new ground since tinnion scored under pulis. The police had stasi like tactics that day.
  11. Egg and chicken in bed. Egg lights a cig and says, well that answers that age old question! A coachload of japenese tourists got robbed down town yesterday. The good news is police have 1200 pictures of the suspect.
  12. This guy has just accused me of acting like a flamingo. I got rather nasty with him. Infact i put my foot down.
  13. My friend has collected beatles singles for 35 years. I think he needs help.... I have a belt handmade with herbs from the amazon rain forest, im looking for 100 pounds, ono. No thyme wasters please.
  14. Anybody who thinks the gas women team were the future, tells you a lot about whats going on upstairs.
  15. 6 months ago James dyson was buying them. They even beleived that. He hasnt got the money for a bunch of bananas there, never mind the land. I agree hes buying time. Certs to be bottom 6 this year.
  16. Just got back from watching the bermuda national orchestra. It was great till the guy playing the triangle disapeared,
  17. Wendy i can comfirm i meant marquee as in main player. It may surprise you to know that yes i do know the diffrence between say a skoda car. and a very grand tent.
  18. Im over the moon about the signings 22. Ive been around long enought to suss out when a owner wants out. When your marquee signing comes from eastleigh you are only going 1 way.
  19. Bound to be bottom 4 this season. Writings on the wall with the players they are signing.
  20. A guy finds a lamp and the genie has granted him 1 wish. I would like a million pounds says the bloke. Oh fgs said the genie thats a dull selfish wish i wont grant that, please wish again he says. Errr ok he says, Well to be honest he said, ive always wanted to drive my car from britain to the usa he said. Look says the genie, do you have any ideal the cost, the disruption, the amount of men and materials it would take to build a road from here to the usa? Ok ok says the guy this is my last wish. Can you tell me how a womens head works he asks? Oh jesus said the genie, how many lanes did you want?
  21. Just saw arnold schwarzenegger up north street i said is christmas your favourite christian festival? No he said ithastobeeaster baby he said.
  22. Was in a bar last night and i said to this lady i think i could pass for arnold schwarzeneggers twin. Ha she said you are short, bald, fat and dont work out she said hardly. Yes i said danny devito
  23. If i ever wont the lottery id buy a sedan chair my wife said. I think you are getting carried away there i said.
  24. Knock knock. Whose there? Doorbell repair guy.
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