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Red Shadow

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Everything posted by Red Shadow

  1. Must have been quite apt when they were playing against 'Uddersfield.
  2. What do you expect with a crap club?
  3. My very first pair were very similar to these except they had brown toe caps. Hand me downs from the kid whose house backed on to ours. This was mid-late 1960s when I was in Summerhill primary school. After much hilarity and ridicule from the other kids once I got into the school team later on I was bought a pair of George Best boots from my mums club book.
  4. I remember a home defeat to Forest when Archie Gemmill controlled the game.
  5. I really wish City did retro shirts. I'd love one of those. I know Toffs do a version but the badge on theirs is nothing like the actual badge worn at the time.
  6. Funny you should say that. I asked my parents for that shirt for Christmas. As I expectantly tore the wrapping paper off I was confronted with what looked very much like a Forest shirt. I had to hide my disappointment and appear pleased with it. And guess where my old man used to drink ? Yea, the Bay Horse. Back on topic John Galley, along with Chris Garland, was a hero to me.
  7. Sometimes the chase is more enjoyable than the catch. I wonder if the Burnley fans are fed up already.
  8. And Sky and BBC would have you believe football didn't exist prior to the creation.
  9. Such a cruel injury he sustained against Shilton. A crying shame the medical knowledge and appropriate surgery and rehabilitation weren't available to him in those days. On a happier note, happy birthday Cheese and thanks for the memories
  10. Yes @Rudolf Hucker, I was going to post the same thing. I was on the East End railings in line with the right hand post. Reckon it happened just inside the right hand side of the six yard box as you looked from the EE. Hell of a noise with 50/50 tackle and burst ball. I remember Spiring was laid down holding his leg afterwards. Well remembered @slartibartfast if the Leicester player was Whitworth, I always had it in my mind that it was David Nish but probably wrong.
  11. Right half was no 4 so could be GL lying on the floor. Shirt no 6 was left half.
  12. Yes, middle of East End, remember it clearly.
  13. North Korean like regulations put on Swansea fans to even be allowed to travel on coaches apparently. I thought bubble games were stopped as it infringed human rights or something?
  14. Away point not to be sniffed at. Satisfied with that. Well done City.
  15. Is this their best gift ever? How much more tinpot can they get? Complete embarrassment of a football club.
  16. Sincere condolences to Woodsy's family.
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