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Posts posted by Ben1980

  1. 3 hours ago, Elruliri said:

    I used to love listening to Nige and wouldn't miss a pre match or post match interview. Win, lose or draw. I've no interest at all what he has to say a bit like I got with LJ.

    I was exactly the same with Nige - used to listen to everything. Like many others on here, can’t bear to listen to Manning. If I do try to, I switch off after a minute or so.  

    Sure it’s the same for the players- prob why we are so sh*te. 

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  2. 20 minutes ago, Ashton Fete said:

    Same old cliche stuff you’d expect but he yet again misses the opportunity to talk directly to the fans directly or indirectly but just sense the mood.

    I’ll have a go..

    ”Look I get the fans frustrations, i’m learning the players, the players are learning the methods and style I’m trying to implement.  Sometimes it feels we’re making progress, sometimes it’s not but I believe in what we’re trying to achieve and so please be patient, I want a positive end to the season, a hard pre season and significant improvement starting game one in Aug”

    I reckon that would get various degrees of buy in from us 


    Great post. It’s not rocket science - don’t get why he doesn’t at least try to connect with fans. 

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  3. 12 hours ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

    Is it clear disrespect or are they well, well out of touch? Isn't good either way of course..

    Lack of ambition, a fair point but a fair question would be how much do you want spending, how exactly do we quantify the correct level of ambition in 2024-25?

    I think disrespect and arrogance personally. They will know from this forum that the majority of fans don’t want Tinnion in his current role. They can’t be that out of touch. No need for Tinnion to be shown on the marketing- reckon Man City or Arsenal have Begiristain or Edu on theirs!? So bizarre and inflammatory. It’s a clear message - they don’t care what we think. 

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  4. Sure it’s been said before but TInnion on the renewal marketing is bizarre and undoubtedly clear disrespect to us fans. Time will tell how much we will stomach - my feeling is that sales will be very slow as we may have gone over a tipping point of contempt towards us. Maybe it has been this bad before but it doesn’t feel like that right now. I feel disgust at the club- ashamed to be a city fan. So many lies, so much disrespect. Such a glaring lack of ambition. It’s only going one way next season. 

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  5. Just now, RedM said:

    I do totally accept what you are saying, however it's hardly Manning's fault for taking the role is it? From what I understand he was approached by us, he didn't apply for the post and therefore didn't have to 'dupe' anyone. If we were stupid enough to offer a 3 and a half year deal AND pay a decent compensation package for him (as well as the almost 6 figure sum to ditch Pearson), well of course he would take the deal. It was a hasty appointment with not enough groundwork done, but not Manning's doing.

    Yeah I don’t blame Manning either although, like others, his inability to take responsibility is starting to p*ss me off a lot. 

    I blame Tinnion and also the ECB for taking Gould! The turning point. 

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  6. 4 minutes ago, spudski said:

    He's destroying Conway. No wonder he won't sign an extension. 

    Could cost the club £10 million. No doubt he was previously our most saleable asset. Someone will get a bargain due to our incompetence. 

    Am sure none of us would sign either if we were him. Hope he goes on to great things- seems like a decent lad. 

  7. 16 minutes ago, JP Hampton said:

    Yeah it was a strange thing with NP. Like you, we never missed games under NP. I think it was feeling confident. Not confident we’d win, but absolutely confident the person who was supposed to be in charge, was in charge. 

     A confidence in seeing players actually giving a sense of being a team and wanting to play, it was great to see. I think that’s what makes our situation now so disappointing, seeing players confidence drop and their desire to play, get less and less each game. 

    I think it was lots of things- seeing the improvement in players like Pring and Vyner along with the young ones like Scott and Conway being brought through. There was hope that we were going somewhere. Camaraderie amongst the players and their obviously connection with the staff. The opposite of what is happening now. 

    Also the honesty from NP - the opposite of what we get from Lansdown and Tinnion. 

    The players obviously feel the same as the fans. Disconnected from the club. 


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  8. I’m a member rather than a season ticket holder so luckily am not tied in for the rest of the season. Didn’t go today as it played out as I thought it would. Barely missed a home game under Pearson- as others have said, I felt really connected with the club and the team. I really cared- a late equaliser/winner for the opposition would partially ruin my weekend. Used to look forward to Saturdays - used to even look forward to the press Conferences with NP.

    After the Tinnion power grab and shambles since, I feel very little. Until things change (Tinnion goes) I can’t invest myself again- it’s pointless. Everything feels wrong and false. 

    Gradual progress is hard earned but regression and undoing the progress is so easy and fast (as we are seeing). 

    It is really hard to have your main passion in life dimmed/ taken away from you. From reading the forum, obviously lots of others feel the same. Been going to AG for 38 years and had just started taking my little boy who is 7. So gutting the way things have played out. 


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  9. 1 hour ago, Davefevs said:

    Quite simply - Premier League Nous has left the building.

    And then imagine questioning Pearson on selecting Andy King, and then needing your new head-coach to play him in a crucial game, name only 7 subs, before you’ve got injuries, having accused another PL experienced member of staff (medical man Rennie) of deconditioning the players.

    The hierarchy deserve all the shit that comes their way tonight.



    Hard to imagine a greater level of incompetence isn’t it! 

  10. 2 hours ago, redsquirrel said:


    you werent red alex by any chance in 2005?

    dont know why the link dont work by try copy paste. works for me👍

    Nope not me! 

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  11. Could be some interesting symmetry as to how this all ends- Binman crying in the director’s box (rather than the bench) after a mauling? Wouldn’t bet against it would you. 

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  12. 6 minutes ago, Robbored said:

    TC like most players say all the right things. They’re not likely to criticise their manager or the club - they’re employees after all.

    Yeah agree. No player other than very rare exceptions will do anything different. As such, the only thing we can judge on is the delivery and body language. 

    Sure he’ll still have motivation to do well - securing a better next club and Scotland. But in my opinion, his motivation to do well for Bristol City is lower than it was. 

  13. 4 hours ago, Simon bristol said:

    Had to turn off the press conference interview, perhaps its my insomnia causing frustration, but i feel hes towing the party line, which he has to do in public, but i dont believe what hes saying any more than he does. in terms of the system and behaviours b.s,he has been hung out to dry. To win a game at some point you have to score, and hes really the best chance we have of scoring goals, the side needs to be set up to create chances for him if we insist on playing 1 striker, and its the game plan that’s messed up, combined with a lack of creativity. Perhaps if twine could have played more it would have been different?

    Agree- looks to be toeing the party line. Doesn’t say anything with much conviction or enthusiasm. Pretty damning in terms of body language. 

    Seems to have had the life sucked out of him since Nige left (like many of us fans) What happened to the jokey jovial Conway? 

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