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Everything posted by Ecko

  1. Are you taking the piss? Those decisions were shambolic. Awful decisions to keep the 'elite' elite. Brighton have been brilliant all season, and they were robbed of a point today. Exactly this.
  2. Ecko


    One word: raw. I think he will become a top championship player. Over the summer, if he works on his end product, he will be one of our best players. Next season will be a big year for him.
  3. Ecko

    CL Draw

    Napoli v Man City in the final in Istanbul...what could possibly go wrong!
  4. Morals don't exist in football.
  5. Would you keep him on? He's made several mistakes, and he's lucky not to be sent off.
  6. Increase your expectations. Two terrible teams. Happy with the point tho. We have lots of injuries.
  7. Sykes is our best player by miles. Great shift by him today.
  8. Cornick has been massively underwhelming since joining.
  9. Good header n fairness, but this came from the ref giving them that ridiculous free kick.
  10. Pretty poor half to be honest. They are tight and compact at the back and midfield, which doesn't help. Williams going off and Scott playing deeper isn't ideal either. Pring, Sykes and O Leary are playing well. Needs a much improved second half.
  11. Sykes deliveries have improved massively. Good on him.
  12. As it stands, I'd bring Wells on for Bell at half time.
  13. Wells on bench and playing? Surely Mehmeti is starting?
  14. Who cares? There have been multiple times this season where we should have had a penalty, but didn't. We could come up against a decision against Cardiff where it it stonewall, but not given. This is the beauty of championship football without VAR..make the most of it, because in a few years VAR will be here.
  15. My response in the pub was "what a manual manipulator" and that hasn't changed!
  16. Kane is having a poor season? Yeah, alright bud.
  17. Off to Spiny Lobster this weekend. Has anyone been? Recommend any dishes?
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