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Posts posted by UncleRed

  1. 9 minutes ago, sh1t_ref_again said:

    What a weird thead, most fans of clubs would be excited they will be soon watching a player that has one of the highest assist rates and can score some great goals by the look of the video's.

    Some use the fact we have been poor in the last 3 games as evidence we cannot reach the playoffs, yet upset we have brought in a player that might be able to open up the teams we struggle against.

    Others wetting the bed over it being a loan, without any knowledge of reasoning behind it or agreements in place. It seems at times more just to be able to knock BT / JL than a problem with loans, don't remember the same massive issue when we loaned Tammy. As for cost we have taken off AW wage and replaced by Twine, plus any other fees, so negligible.

    Its been stated on here lots we need a creative midfielder, but because we have not bought then its so say a bad deal, would you rather sign no one, or someone lesser but permanent, but no doubt these options would also be wrong. Maybe Burnley want to see what division they will be in before selling, perhaps at a price we are comfortable with.

    On the subject of loans, NP said the culture was not right at the club to bring in loans initially, also the club have not wanted to block young players pathways, but we don't seem to have that player ready to step up.

    Yes would have been great if 2.5m permanent, but I am just pleased we have a good player coming in which can only be good to watch, shame others can not get excited rather than seeing how negative they can be.


    8 minutes ago, IAmNick said:

    Christ, I log on here expecting to see excitement but a load of you are moany old bastards when you want to be (sorry).

    It's not the perfect deal or whatever, no, but can we just allow ourselves a little enjoyment sometimes?

    I'm excited so screw the lot of you:

    1. We keep talking about how Manning wants to implement his system more effectively. Well here is a player he knows, who clearly works in his system and will implement and elevate his ideas, and that can only help him and therefor the team out there.

    2. Having quality players around will improve our other players - Tommy will hopefully get more chances, score more, learn more, and increase his confidence. There will be better interplay for players like Sykes and Mehmeti. Dickie and Vyner will get more chances from set pieces... This can only be a good thing even if it is temporary.

    3. I watch every home game at AG. I watch every away game on Robins TV. It has, for the most part, been bloody PAINFUL watching this team for a large portion of a fair few years now. If we now have one more young, skilful, exciting player to watch then thank god for that, even if it is only for 6 months.

    Two spot on posts in my opinion.

    Probably seems like you’re stating the obvious, but you have to on here most of the time 😂.


    • Like 1
  2. 1 minute ago, BCFC Rich said:

    Good signing! I get the fuss about it being loan only, but I imagine this is someone LM really wanted and will know his style of play well and the board/BT are backing the manager they chose. It would be interesting to know what the loan fee was - might even be a case of doing this on loan rather than say £5m upfront means we can bring in someone else this window.

    All in all, I'd rather we had him permanent or with an option, but if those fees were too high then I'm okay with a loan. I'd rather we play exciting football and this looks like someone who can aid with that. Welcome Scott!! COYR

    100% agree, for what it’s worth 👍🏾.

    • Like 1
  3. Just now, Silvio Dante said:

    You are correct - it’s more sarcasm than irony. I blame Alanis Morrisette.

    But if you can find me somewhere where I’ve called another poster arrogant on here then please do. I haven’t and it’d be appropriate to retract.

    Never said you did, something you would do.

    Maybe irony isn’t your strength either 😂.

  4. 3 minutes ago, bearded_red said:

    I remember just over a year ago Tinnion sat there nodding along next to Richard Gould as Gould explained why loans for Championship clubs from Premier League clubs was such a huge waste of time and money. In fact he even chipped in at one point asking the fans in the crowd to name just how many successful loans from the Premier League we'd had as a club? The crowd was rather struggling as after the absolute tap in shouts of Caulker and Abraham someone had to go back 30 years to name Andy Cole. 

    What happened Brian?

    Just an aside, and no doubt I'll be accused of not moving on or something, but Gould made the case against expensive PL loans and explained perfectly why it isn't beneficial to us as a club. Won't ever stop the utterly simpleton shouts of NiGe DiDnT lIkE LoAnS!!! though..

    So loans work for everyone else, but because this club has a poor history of loaning players we shouldn’t ever do it again?

    Just trying to see what one point you’re making through the rest of the mess.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 minute ago, johnheadbcfc said:

    I still can't believe someone said if we get promoted we would get battered in the prem for ****sakes😂😂😂 might aswel play knight in goal for rest of season to keep us safe from a beating 

    Not like there’s a summer transfer window in between seasons 😂

    Clueless people that just want to moan. 

  6. 1 minute ago, BasSavage88 said:

    The loan market used correctly get teams promoted, Nigel Pearson is an idiot for not using it.

    Scott twine will play how Manning wants and this in turn will get us playing better. 

    Would people rather we signed some no mark from league 1 instead just because he's ours? 

    Oh you’ve started it now.

    Can’t say that about the second coming.

  7. Just now, transfer reader said:

    But having a player familiar with Manning's style and so could speed up the process of other players picking up some on some of the intricacies, can slot in right away without a time of getting to know the system etc, that couldn't have any positives at all could it?


    Or perhaps this is Silvio 'be as negative about Manning as is possible on every single topic' Dante striking yet again.


    I'll await your half time and full time threads slating everything from line up to shoelace colours if we aren't beating West Ham 10-0 after 2 minutes.


  8. 1 hour ago, Ryan said:

    I think this is a midtable squad, and even that depends on injuries as it is so thin. However I was enjoying the football being played at the start of the season. I remember really enjoying the Ipswich game for example even though we lost. Pearson was sacked because of results not performances as far as I can tell, so it’s right to use this season as the comparison. I genuinely like Manning and want him to do well but its becoming really clear we are beginning to see the risks of having an inexperienced manager / head coach / gaffer or what ever that role is called at the moment. We didnt learn anything from Birmingham and 3 games and no goals later I still cant see a plan. 

    Just a question. What was the result, stats and performance (if you can remember, I can) like from the reverse fixture against Birmingham, millwall and Preston games earlier in the season?

    The people that say they enjoyed the football before the manager change more are either lying or easily pleased.

    How someone can watch the last couple of months and say there isn’t a plan is bizarre. People moaning he hasn’t switched anything up. Look at the subs bench and the players that did come on, changing the system with what he got is near impossible.

    Every single player that has spoken since the change has implied in a round about way that they enjoy their football more now than before. (Knight post hull game I believe and Williams the other day of the top). That has to stand for something.

    Suppose if he just came out after every poor performance and said “we are where we are” he’d get a lot more of the OTIB members on his side.

  9. 4 hours ago, Ryan said:

    When did I mention the end of last season? 

    Saying NP inherited a mess and LM hasn’t. I used last season as the example seeing as you know…NP was in charge then, and we’ve had injuries all the way up to and including now this season.

    The people that think this squad doesn’t need a lot of investment still clearly don’t understand the game.

    Sorry for coming across as rude, but it’s the truth. 

  10. 24 minutes ago, Ryan said:

    I judge based on the players at their disposal. Nige inherited a mess and Manning hasnt. I really like Manning and want him to do well but in my view we are going backwards. One point from the last three teams we have played is simply not gpod enough. 

    Also played a strong team 6th in the prem in the middle of these games, away, and drew 1-1 deservedly.

    Not the first time City have got one point from 3 games, and won’t be the last.

    And if you think this team now is far better than what it was at the end of last season, sorry but it isn’t.

    • Facepalm 1
  11. 3 minutes ago, 2015 said:

    Our tactical setup is no good against compact team's. Simple as that. We're good at exploiting empty space. Basically we're good at counter attacking and have been for years.

    By good do you mean finishing mid table at best?

  12. 57 minutes ago, Kid in the Riot said:

    I'd be interested in hearing some tangible examples of their prowess when it comes to knowing the game. 

    I would put to you, that with over quarter of a billion pounds spent on Bristol City for one tilt at the Premier League in 2008, they have made us pound-for-pound the biggest underachievers in the football league during their reign.

    So if they know "enough" about football, then what has gone so badly wrong? 

    Wonder what the total expenditure on transfers looks like over the last 20 years say, in the championship. Net transfer balance maybe as well?

    Anyone have a clue?

  13. 3 minutes ago, The turtle said:

    Dear all,

    Just decided between sweet or salted Popcorn to watch where this goes.

    Finally some entertainment today

    This could definitely be a front foot forum event.

    Not gonna happen unfortunately.

    Think Daves reply was a result of him having nothing of worth to reply with.

  14. 2 minutes ago, Natchfever said:

    Why resort to juvenile insults.?

    Shut the forum down perhaps unless everyone agrees?

    Or perhaps stfu and acknowledge that a lot of people saw the same thing and elect to use this forum as a means of expressing their frustration.

    Who said anything about having to agree.

    And god forbid someone insults another on here, that’s not normal is it 😂

    There’s frustration, then there’s over the top moaning to the point I can actually hear the crying coming out of my phone.

    The older generation like to moan I know but Jesus, act your age sometimes.

  15. 5 minutes ago, Numero Uno said:

    There has been pointless comparison but none of that relates to TODAY. People are discussing (it’s a forum) a very poor performance and I’m not seeing anyone say the Manager isn’t up to it.

    People questioning the tactics, the style and the set up is normal for this type of forum. I am not reading agenda led posts except the tiny minority of posters that have a real agenda EITHER way. In the same way we (probably overly) praise a win a defeat is dissected (again overly negative, it’s normal on here).

    Some people are so defensive of the perception of Liam Manning that it’s becoming a bit weird. Today was shite but nobody wants him to lose his job bar two or three posters on the whole forum TOPS who are still not moving on from Nige.

    I agree, except it’s a lot more than two or three. And some have mentioned it relating to TODAY.


    So football is easy? Yet you and many people seem to think that, but what’s your day jobs? If it’s that easy you must work for professional football teams.

    I didn’t change the context. You two made a point about a pointless stat, I said sarcastically about the sport being that easy to understand.

    You think the club shares every detail with its fanbase? Wow Dave your ego is even bigger than I thought 🙈

    oh oh oh, remember when everyone thought Matty James was out for 6 weeks (including yourself), played 90 minutes the next game 😂

    I never once said you wasn’t supporting the club, and I’m no superfan, in fact I’m far from it.

    But yeah Dave carry on being condescending it looks real good on you. 

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