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Everything posted by slartibartfast

  1. I thought...............a pen, or a sending off?
  2. Strange that..........but, ask me what happened yesterday !
  3. Just been on BBC cricket website.......still pushing everything Hundred, but I did notice they have taken down the "quote" section. Could it be because out of the literally hundreds of quotes, 99.9 % were totally disparaging of this competition ?
  4. I would hate to think anyone would travel to watch that lot (unless,of course, they are actually Welsh) !
  5. They would have probably traded that pen for the customary sending off,as it happened .
  6. Something about 18 year olds at the Gate, this season .
  7. What would Miss Taylor say, but then she DID come from Oldland Common !
  8. I've got one now..........it's part of my "suit" !
  9. Whilst I fully endorse the sentiment..............there's nothing wrong with Levi jackets !
  10. I bet you asked him, if he was pleased and weren't our fans just brilliant, and it's much better to be in a proper ground etc. etc.
  11. They are playing without pressure as there's only two to go down, already on the beach.......how sad is that !
  12. Sorry, am I going mad....................Glos playing Bath in the cup, but not even in the same pool....and both finished BOTTOM of their respective pools, please someone explain !
  13. I hate bursting bubbles, but, Hughie Mac had long gone by this time......................could have been a Glos Cup game ?
  14. Nearly right.............1968 (Jan) Crowe and GALLEY.
  15. Every one was amazed it was Lloyd and not Taylor who went to Liverpool !
  16. Thought he was the little twerp in Coronation Street !
  17. What a ****** pile of shit ! Just when I thought cricket couldn't get dumbed down more than T20 'ECCB prove me wrong ! I trust no Glos players will be playing and who the **** from this side of the bridge would go and watch it, supporting Wales FFS. If it's GOT to be anything ,it should be Western whatever.................I really pray that it dies on it's arse and we get back to PROPER cricket ¬ They might as well invite Glasgow in and call them Celtic Rangers, at least that would make it interesting OFF the pitch !
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