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Everything posted by slartibartfast

  1. Like Hull, too ashamed to post ! Cardiff............4111 not too long ago that was good for them !
  2. F+++ me..............this forum is getting overrun by Fewers! I expect they'll be claiming on asschat that they've "taken" OTIB ! Mind you this is only cyberspace, never happened in the real world......I guess they think it's far safer this way !
  3. Let them see what a city looks like !
  4. Ha, you doctor wickets more than the sags !
  5. 54 years ,me, and the same. Can't remember coming close even though we used to regularly take the Tote !
  6. Woman chains herself up............................er, what happens when she needs to pee ?
  7. up yo 2nd ! I don't believe we've been in the top tier since its inception ?
  8. Tells you something when they'll get their "biggest " crowd of the season just to watch a City reject !
  9. I'll tell you what Cockman...I'll give you a pound for every fewer there, and you give me a pound for every Cov fan.....................can't say faier than that !
  10. NEVER, Cockman said there was as many sags as Cov, they must have all been in the home end!
  11. My first was a "box" Viva held together by string and rust...........go through a puddle, passenger had to lift their feet up, but it was mine !
  12. I was going to guess Somerset , but I thought that was too obscure, stick with a 35 !
  13. He did say that we've got good relations with all the local clubs ..........BAR ONE !
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