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Everything posted by slartibartfast

  1. I COULD almost feel sorry for Dopey...........IF it wasn't for the "happy days" quote which just goes to show what a nasty**** he really is !
  2. Assheads ......waiting for January, the other half waiting for Dopey's sacking! Neither of which will happen..they can't/won't afford either !
  3. Talk about selective .............! Why didn't they print what Millwall and Oxford fans said about it........ a SHITHOLE ! What a brown nose hack the "editor" must be !
  4. Surprised (like their Santa hats) they don't have a BLUE poppy !
  5. 4228....that can't be right, didn't any County turn up ?
  6. They will only be collected by staff and flogged to children's homes at a huge mark-up !
  7. "Ni ether Mrs C J ,or myself have gasheads in the family" !
  8. Unless they meet every other Thursday in an "upper room" !
  9. Yes BUT...................." Lockleaze is ours" !
  10. BTW anyone know what's happened to Gregor McGregor ........................Has he been given the push already ?
  11. How comes the EP said they had a good chance of winning ?
  12. Out of the mouth of babes................0;41
  13. Typical Sag..................left out the word " MOUTH" !
  14. You always come on here saying that their finances ain't that dire ! What's the matter with you ?
  15. Has THAT woman had her (six) fingers in the till again ?
  16. Plus they were down to the bare bones due to injuries, illness, suspensions etc. so big deal sags !
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