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Everything posted by slartibartfast

  1. Robbery Assault & Battery.......Genesis
  2. Finchley Central.............New Vaudeville Band
  3. The Great Gate Of Kiev (P,A,A,E)..............ELP
  4. Bedsitter Images.......Al Stewart
  5. Della And The Dealer.............Hoyt Axton
  6. Wired For Sound ..........Cliff Richard
  7. Break Like The Wind.............. Spinal Tap
  8. Stoned Soul Picnic.................Laura Nyro
  9. Why would he put his passport photo on there ?
  10. Double your money, without any hitch Double your money and try to get rich Double your money, i'ts your lucky day Double your money and take it away...o-lay
  11. Well that's a given.......with or without UWE !
  12. Even before that litany of infamy there was Herr Holmes...the Jerry Builder !
  13. Let's get it right......it's Clark Osborne .
  14. Yes, did n't notice that as I was scrolling UP .
  15. YOU will go on supporting them like you always have! (not sure how long that will be though)
  16. Don't worry, tomorrow they'll all be spinning "The best thing that could happen.....never wanted to go there in the first place" !
  17. Rather be a "new" club than have the wretched ground stealing, bribe scandal, non-league, lying history that you've got! Just remember, you are a guest here...play nice or **** OFF !
  18. Tired Of Waiting For You.........The Kinks
  19. The Famous Flower Of Serving Men.........Martin Carthy
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