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Everything posted by slartibartfast

  1. It makes me laugh, RB always introduce him as ex Rovers press officer Brookman........... how shit must he be to get fired from the slags ?
  2. Won at Ipswich...........but made at Bristol City As mentioned George E played for us (on loan) but so did his assistant Craig Fagan (loan from Brum 08) Suck 'ee up Ashton !
  3. I can remember back in the early 70's NF had quite a rep. To quote every football manager ever, " not an easy place to come to". I remember our first visit ,circa 72 (lost 1-0, Galley ironically). We got off the train and out of the station (furtively), turned a corner only to be confronted by graffiti on a bridge saying...........Last chance to shit out and run , which made us feel a whole lot safer !
  4. As I don't follow anything Prem..............how strong is that Florist team tonight ?
  5. Well, they are. Who else could muster over 3400 pages on SOMEONE ELSES forum ?
  6. Miah, were you also a witness in the recent COVID enquiry ?
  7. Fresh milk ? Surely got an endless supply in the cowshed, a quick squirt......jobs a good'un !
  8. There never was, you could see there was very few in that enclosure opposite !
  9. How come JL is playing for Exeter ?
  10. No news of the attendance, then ? It MUST be shit !
  11. Sad loss to his family and friends no doubt................... but no great loss to music .
  12. Brilliant player, yes, but a crappy human being ! I can't stand to look at him when between shots. His ugly gurning prune face and constantly picking his nose and ears.......ugh ! Can't stick his loud mouth fans either !
  13. I swear I'll NEVER moan about the standard of City's football ever again !
  14. It's like Blankety Blank !
  15. Even now the Champ ready sprinklers are on full bore and the hose pipes are drenching the pitch................they want it off ,to save face !
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