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Everything posted by Cityboy1954

  1. Willing to pay for the four cards to be sent to my address no problem if thats an option.
  2. Have done for this season but looks like the future their will be no choice .
  3. Read what i put no one in my party has a phone ffs .
  4. Well thanks fot trying but it still font solve the problem of not having a smart phone 3 grandkids under eleven with no phone how does that get us entry in the ground why dont the club just say we want to charge you extra for havung a season card sent out .
  5. Not forgetting marley watkins mustave been a brown envelope involved there
  6. I agree some good signings but still lacking in a few places back up keeper a centre back attacking midfielder and a ball winner upfront if things not working out with Tommy an Bell .
  7. The only worry for me is the two same injuries .
  8. If he overcomes those injuries hes quality .
  9. Yes all bad news for the fans what with this an digital ticketing perhaps theyve changed fixtures hoping so many wont turn up ??
  10. Same here was a great player iliked to model myself on Also block B r.i.p chris will never forget you mate
  11. I agree time will tell if Tommy needs more help as wells and weinmann in an out the team last season.
  12. No you got to show a ticket to get pass stewards to get in fanzone or club shop from Dolman or Ashton park .
  13. Players years ago had to get a second job to durvive ask Tom Ritchie or Mike Gibson.
  14. Thats ok if pensioners got a smart phone seventy year olds are not all whizz kids.
  15. With the restricted parking around areas of fhe ground by our magnifecent council and thus ticketing i can see fans saying up yours i wont bother .
  16. Well that latest cup win by the Hammers not a bad start was it
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