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Everything posted by Chrizzler

  1. It's going to be bloody Nathan Jones isn't it!
  2. It's laughable, absolutely no chance.
  3. Maybe they don't want to upset fans anymore than they already have by letting them realise it was arranged before NP left.
  4. Wish Millwall would hurry up & announce him as their manager.
  5. 100% this. I agree with what he says about having a good squad & the development of youngsters & the club has recently had a good feel about it but they've just sacked the person that made all of that happen. Couldn't make it up!
  6. Both interviews prove that NP was not released for football reasons.
  7. If people obviously in the know on here are correct in saying the decision to get rid of NP was taken after the Leeds game, does no one think it's rather a coincidence that Gary Rowett left Millwall by "mutual consent" 10 days later?!
  8. Great article, everything spot on. Well done.
  9. Do you think that if we'd had a fully fit squad to choose from we would have lost to Cardiff today?
  10. Got audio now. Had to listen to Rovers for first 10 minutes. Useless.
  11. Could also throw in a couple of rounds of "you don't know what you're doing" directed at The Board.
  12. Might be why NP was keen to state at the weekend that he intends seeing out his contract. A message to SL maybe.
  13. NP's comments on Saturday would suggest that nothing has been communicated to him hence his frustration with the situation.
  14. Exactly or at least speak with him privately & say that contract negotiations will begin when he has a prognosis. To completely ignore the situation shows a complete lack of respect.
  15. Fair enough. I'm clutching at straws hoping that speculation is wrong.
  16. Not convinced NP is about to leave but do wonder if Gary Rowett leaving Millwall is coincidence.
  17. Agree with this. I admit I haven't read all of the comments but felt that his remarks about recent frustrations was referring to his health rather than lack of contract talks. People do seem to be jumping the gun a bit assuming NP's about to be got rid of.
  18. RP Leipzig v Man City, Newcastle v PSG or Rotherham v Bristol City? No contest.
  19. In that case I don't know what he was getting so upset about ?
  20. The word being sung around me was brass which I'm reliably informed means prostitute ?
  21. If I'd been Vardy I would have done exactly the same after the abuse he (his wife) got all game. If you can't take it don't give it out.
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