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Tim Monaghan

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Everything posted by Tim Monaghan

  1. I’ll say it again. Give him the summer. Let the guy find his feet. I know that’s not what was sold, but nothing we can do about that. I believe he is the right man for the job and I’m certainly excited moving forward. COYRs
  2. I hope FGR get battered today now!
  3. Think everyone needs to give their heads a wobble. Just don’t buy it, it’s as simple as that. Ahhhh, but we hate the club at the moment don’t we, so let’s just have a meltdown over everything. It’s a tshirt lads. A T-shirt. I’d understand if it was our kit, but it isn’t. Make yourselves a cup of tea. Maybe have a custard cream, and take 10 minutes out. In through the nose, out through the mouth. Is there really any need for this outrage?
  4. No point, Brother. Sick of having arguments with keyboard warriors on here, so take or leave the comment buddy, and make of it what you like.
  5. Does nobody see the irony of this thread when you go back and read the absolute meltdown over the Robin badge . This forum cracks me up. Absolutely no difference.
  6. Hit the nail on the head. We are a mid-table side finishing mid-table. Nothing more to see here really.
  7. He wasn't. The end.
  8. I didn't know that to be fair. Still, it makes no difference on my thoughts on it. I don't really care where the guy was from, but I do love my country.
  9. Well, it might be a sh!te argument if I was actually arguing something . St. George was a Turk and never visited England. And I don't want to break this to you, but he didn't actually kill a dragon in Libya . I'm absolutely fine with that. I'm confused why that would even be an issue? But thanks for the unnecessarily patronising comment. Anyway, for what it's worth, I'm as patriotic as they come. However, this is yet another case of people jumping on the old bandwagon (like the arms conference at Ashton Gate). This is just the next thing to be angry about. They have changed the St. George's cross on the back of the shirt before, but nobody said a peep. Why is everyone getting so outraged by it this year? Maybe it's a sign of the times? I think it's a stupid thing to have done. This isn't just Nike's fault, but the FA's. I'm not sure how changing our country's flag makes it inclusive? Would they have done that to another country's flag like Saudi Arabia? More questions than answers, but am I gonna get my knickers in a twist about it or get "triggered" (god how I hate that word)? Not at all. I just won't buy the shirt. I'll still wave my St Georges Cross.
  10. St George wasn't even English
  11. Are they from the actual Nike factory though, or just a copied version?
  12. So the fans want to replace LM with Andy King We talk about the owners never learning Comedy.
  13. Okay, think what you like. Have a great evening
  14. You haven't seen my post have you?
  15. I've supported City in way worse times than this. This is good and stable in my world. I'm genuinely confused what everyone is crying about? Its sad if people can't afford to go now, that's really not nice. But if you simply aren't going because you don't like Manning, Tinnion etc, then... If you find yourself genuinely grappling with the expense of obtaining a season ticket, and if this is impacting your mental well-being, please feel free to send me a direct message. Perhaps we can find a solution together. I've personally experienced how City has been a source of support during tough times, providing me with a sense of camaraderie with my friends. Therefore, I'd like to extend that support to you if you're facing difficulties.
  16. Very sad news indeed. Thoughts are with you and your family, Scott.
  17. Shorter wait at the bar next season then, so a little bonus. Come on lads, next season is the one! COYR's
  18. I was about to write exactly the same thing, so thanks for saving me 5 minutes. The fans wanted him out after the first season, but after being given time to implement his way of playing etc….. You know the rest.
  19. How I heard it was, they were preparing him more physically (bulk) in the gym. Tinnion said he was training with the team didn’t he?
  20. We play 4-4-2 whilst we block the moment anyway.
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