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Posts posted by Bobtherobin

  1. 2 minutes ago, BasSavage88 said:

    Podcasts need people like Ian, without them they become sterile and boring. 

    Why people get so offended about his opinion and still listen is ******* mental to me. 

    I dont agree with anything he says but really enjoy listening to him on the podcast. At the end of the day we are all passionate about the same club and we all suffer when we are playing badly - which has been most of the time in my 40 years of being a fan. 

    • Like 2
  2. 35 minutes ago, Fuber said:

    Just cant take Ian seriously when hes commenting complete bollocks.


    Sure thing Ian - who said they had a plan when if Scott left? - Pearson.

    Instead we loan in TGH - complete failure in recruitment - and that rests squarely at Tinnion's door.

    "Didn't sort out the financial mess", **** me sideways.

    Ian would.be better off admitting he was wrong about NP. He is starting to.sound like one of those Tory MPs sent out to defend the indefensible on breakfast news shows. NP may have signed off on players but he can only sign off on what he is offered and told we can afford. To be fair the players we have signed have not all been bad signings. RA, Sykes, Knight. Dickie, Tanner are all decent enough for what we paid. Our problem seems to be the more they are coached the worse they are getting.... 

    • Like 3
  3. We had a decent manager who was taking us in the right direction, and you guys (apart from Dave Fevs) moaned about him all the time and said you wanted a young coach. You've got what you wanted now. I will look forward to Ian saying they are Pearson's players so its not Manning's fault, when they are Tinnion's players and it is Manning's fault. We can also listen to talk of a summer clearout which will ignore the fact that Tinnion has already said we only need a 9 and possibly a 10 if we dont sign Twine (which we wont).  I do enjoy listening though, so thanks for making them 🙂

    • Like 9
  4. 2 hours ago, REDOXO said:

    Go where. Unless there is a purchase he’s going to be the majority shareholder no matter what. 

    Its his choice of junior and Tinnion to run the club that has caused this mayhem. 

    Get rid of junior **** Tinnion back off to where he can do his job and beg someone that knows what he’s doing to run the football club. 

    "beg someone that knows what he’s doing to run the football club..." Nigel Pearson would be a good choice.

    • Flames 2
  5. 17 hours ago, Bat Fastard said:

    These are both big leaps but we often send promising talent to places like Bath City (a lower level that the Irish or National leagues)to get experience of men's football. They have both flourished at that level and shown that they are top talents in their respective leagues.  If they train regularly with our first team, they will have a chance to bridge the gap.  Our coaches seem to know how to develop young players so I am pretty confident that these lads will, along with our new flying winger, hopefully be first team players for years to come.

    We also send a lot of players to places like Bath City who never make the first team. In fact most of them dont make it, so as much as I admire your confidence, I dont share it. 

  6. We are back to being a poor quality relegation threatened team, with a ridiculously inexperienced head coach who no doubt is working tirelessly and doing his best - as did LJ and Holden. We are also back to the policy of collecting players again. This was how it was before Pearson, and is clearly how the owner, his son amd BT want it. It didnt work then, and it won't work now, but for some reason they either cant see it or dont care. 

    • Like 5
    • Flames 1
  7. 3 hours ago, Wokingham Red said:

    I apologise if I’m going over a topic which has been discussed before but it struck me how last night’s “sold out” home game was far from it. There seems to be a big issue with no-shows. 
    What is driving this issue? Of course not all STHs can make every game. I heard a theory last night that people bought an under 12s ST just to get a free shirt and/or to give themselves more space. 
    What could the club do to combat this? Perhaps creating a proper resale platform? Or some kind of enforcement if a season ticket is a no-show for say 3/4 home games in a row. 
    Seems like the club are missing out on an easy win with a resale platform which would generate more ticket and food/drink revenue. 

    Its not easy taking u12s to a night game. Especially on a Friday after a week of school. 

  8. 8 hours ago, Edgy Red said:

    If Nige was still in charge, the result tonight would have been exactly the same and anyone who thinks differently is living in a fantasy world.


    Im not talking about the result, nobody can say one way or another what a hypothetical result would be, for certain. However, I am talking about performance and I stand by what I said last night... admittedly I am less angry now. 

  9. 8 hours ago, phantom said:

    What would you say if he worked at a railway station?

    I would say "why are you getting people to push apples up and down the platform". What would you say if he worked at a railway station? 

    • Haha 2
  10. 58 minutes ago, Natchfever said:

    So lets continue employing crap throughout the club.

    I have no idea what you are talking about. If the bloke that makes announcements at a stadium makes you angry, then maybe the issue isnt the bloke making the announcements. Have a good day. 

    • Like 2
    • Facepalm 3
  11. Who cares? I dont remember walking away from the game thinking that the stadium announcement ruined it for me. Im sure all of the people having a pop in this online pile in dont make mistakes, but most others do make quite a few, and thankfully most normal people dont worry about it. 

    • Like 4
    • Facepalm 2
  12. 9 hours ago, Merrick's Marvels said:

    True, he is. Technically.

    But he won't be getting a statue, a stand or some other memorial - which record holders usually do, even at the most tinpot clubs.

    Which tells you all you need to know.

    Good player was Carey. But he should never be mentioned in the same breath as Atyeo, I'm afraid.

    You were the one that mentioned him in the same breath though.... 

  13. 24 minutes ago, NcnsBcfc said:

    Evening @Davefevs

    No I don't see him moving from playing a lone striker.

    The thing that struck me on Saturday was that we only made 3 subs, because in all honesty, there was no sub that could improve us whilst still keeping the same formation (never going to risk it at 1-1).

    Something has to change though, strip out the Hull, Boro and Watford(a) games and that's 21 goals in 25 league games. Quite frankly that's appalling and I've very thankful that our defence has been as good as it has (in general) this season.

    The changes Manning made at Oxford last Summer were radical, with a large turnover of players. Maybe he's planning something similar for us. I can't see any of the OOC players staying and surely others like Naismith, Cornick, Wells or even possibly Mehmeti will either be replaced or shipped out on loan.

    Max is an adequate keeper, but his distribution either has to improve for us to progress, or likewise we need someone better.

    We are a solid championship team (based on our defence of course). But in the last 3-4 seasons our lack of goals have stopped us from getting into those precious playoff spots.

    Standing still isn't an option. We are still losing money hand over fist and need to sell players once again just to stay within FFP.

    We can't just keep treading water in this division. We obviously haven't got massive scope to spend, but we have to change the dynamic of the team somehow.

    In essence, can I see Conway firing the goals to get us into the playoffs. No I can't unfortunately.

    Just because LM had a high turnover of players for Oxford it doesnt mean he can do that and make it work for every club. I dont see how we can afford it for a start. I actually think we have steadily been improving our squad since Ashton left. Knight, Atkinson, Sykes, TGH, Dickie and even Tanner. McCrorie looks like he has potential as well, and when fit Naismith is a good (possibly squad) option. It makes no sense to rip it up and start again, surely its about continuing to evolve. I think if we add a better CF option and a better GK to complement that group as well as Twine on loan then we are going in the right direction. The talk of an overhaul on the podcast was ridiculous imo. 

  14. 3 hours ago, UncleRed said:

    Saying NP inherited a mess and LM hasn’t. I used last season as the example seeing as you know…NP was in charge then, and we’ve had injuries all the way up to and including now this season.

    The people that think this squad doesn’t need a lot of investment still clearly don’t understand the game.

    Sorry for coming across as rude, but it’s the truth. 

    I think this is a midtable squad, and even that depends on injuries as it is so thin. However I was enjoying the football being played at the start of the season. I remember really enjoying the Ipswich game for example even though we lost. Pearson was sacked because of results not performances as far as I can tell, so its right to use this season as the comparison. I genuinely like Manning and want him to do well but its becoming really clear we are beginning to see the risks of having an inexperienced manager / head coach / gaffer or what ever that role is called at the moment. We didnt learn anything from Birmingham and 3 games and no goals later I still cant see a plan. 

    • Like 3
  15. Love the podcast but I am getting frustrated with Ian describing the players as Pearson signings and indicating that Manning having 2 windows will make a difference. Pearson may have had the final say, but we have a Technical Director and recruitment team identifying and signing players. These are probably the best he was offered and we have made so e good signings over the last 2 years - especially compared to the LJ/Ashton days. The fact is these are the best we have and Manning has to get the best out of them - its a cop out to say he needs 2 windows. 

    • Like 13
  16. 9 hours ago, UncleRed said:

    Also played a strong team 6th in the prem in the middle of these games, away, and drew 1-1 deservedly.

    Not the first time City have got one point from 3 games, and won’t be the last.

    And if you think this team now is far better than what it was at the end of last season, sorry but it isn’t.

    When did I mention the end of last season? 

  17. 5 hours ago, UncleRed said:

    Judge the end of one managers spell to the beginning of another. Come on.

    I judge based on the players at their disposal. Nige inherited a mess and Manning hasnt. I really like Manning and want him to do well but in my view we are going backwards. One point from the last three teams we have played is simply not gpod enough. 

    • Like 1
  18. On 10/01/2024 at 06:59, One Team said:

    Absolutely nailed it in my opinion.

    In the relative absence of OSIB, FBC is my favourite podcast now. They’ve pretty much sorted the audio issues that plagued it in the early days and put out some really well balanced content. They also aren’t afraid to ask the challenging questions of the club and have a very good finger on the pulse of fan opinion. I don’t agree with a lot of it, especially Ian Gay, but  that’s great as it has differing views. At least Ian says it how he sees it, and it’s not sugar coated. 

    3 Peaps is unlistenable for me now. Their lack of balanced observation let alone critique of the club, particularly Lansdown, is jarring and apart from the Robins Reunited interviews (which are good TBF) it’s like listening to a RobinsTV echo chamber. 

    I think the FBC teams fiercely independent stance is what makes it stand out and a must listen for me these days. Well done lads! 

    @Curr Avon @headhunter

    This is a good example of the binary debates we have everywhere these days. It always seems to have to be one or the other. My personal view is I will take any Bristol City related content I can, and am really thankful people take the time to make them which is better than just going on a forum and criticising them. 


    FBC is absolutely chaotic at times  which makes me enjoy it even more, while 3PIAP is really structured which is also great. OSIB had a bit of both and its a shame it didnt continue with someone else as it always had a good range of contributors. 


    If anyone wants to take the time.to make a 4th then go for it as I would listen. I would do it but I struggle to know how to work the TV these days so have no hope at being able to record, edit and upload a podcast. 

    • Like 4
  19. 12 hours ago, Silvio Dante said:

    Yup. I personally couldn’t care if he goes home and drowns kittens. I don’t need to like him, I need him to deliver for the football club.

    The fact is that had this article been published after we’d been pumped, then people would have picked up on the Army/Saatchi and Saatchi part as being very similar to something LJ once said, and also that having only 9 training sessions (assumedly sessions not based on other teams as opposed to 9 sessions fullstop) is just a function of being appointed mid season - and again speaks to why changing too much too quickly was probably a misstep. The truth as ever is somewhere in the middle - he’s not LJ and he has only had 9 “sessions” but in a loss that would have been viewed as an excuse and not a reason.

    I thought he managed that well today with the little tweaks like Knight dropping in and we pressed with purpose as needed. The result was more than merited and with my glass half full that’s four good performances in the last six. I don’t think anyone will be objecting if that hit rate is maintained for the rest of the season and that’s probably the time to decide whether it’s “impossible not to like/dislike him” as opposed to the euphoria of a top notch performance and result at a premier league club.

    I definitely would care if he went home and drowned kittens. 

    • Thanks 1
  20. 1 hour ago, Silvio Dante said:

    Jesus. Is he a 50 something bloke or a 13 year old child?

    Being 50 doesnt stop you acting like a child sadly. Im 50 and I do it on a daily basis. Everyone just needs to be a bit nicer as all of the negativity towards individuals people disagree with is getting out of hand in my view. If he wants to have a twitter meltdown and come back on then let him. 

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