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Everything posted by Rob26

  1. That would work for me on a simple basis. I'm assuming the percentages that they are saying teams are allowed to spend is wages and fees? rather than total ffp costs vs total ffp allowable revenue if was total ffp costs I'd be all for 85% even as much as 95%, with that forcing all clubs to make a small profit (outside of other allowable investments)
  2. Readings 4 point suspended points deduction for latest sanction is now activated, due to the owner not putting the 125% salary deposit in the designated EFL account as required. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/66802229
  3. oh this dont sound like they may get approved also states the take over is 500m, a 250m loss, excluding any further losses that was money disguised as russian based revenue, which i'm sure there was plenty of before the sanctions hit
  4. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-09-11/liverpool-s-everton-football-club-close-to-sale-to-777-partners everton sale close to 777 https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/66784450 (not behind a paywall) rumoured to be about 600m take over, which is around a 750m loss on what he has put into the club, not including Russian revenue which was thought to probs have come from the share holders
  5. https://theathletic.com/4844776/2023/09/11/investigation-football-club-owner-convicted-fraud/?source=user_shared_article Investigation: The football club owner with four names believed to have been convicted of fraud
  6. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-12408661/Premier-League-introduce-new-rule-following-Evertons-FFP-charges-season-clubs-recent-history-overspending-submit-accounts-THREE-MONTHS-earlier-rest-flight.html EXCLUSIVE: Premier League introduce new rule following Everton's FFP charges last season that will see clubs with a recent history of overspending submit their accounts THREE MONTHS earlier than the rest of the top flight The Premier League have introduced a new rule following Everton's Financial Fair Play charges last season which compels clubs with a recent history of overspending to submit their accounts three months before the rest of the top flight. Under Rule E.48 clubs who are forecasting losses must file audited accounts to the Premier League by December 31 rather than the standard March 31 deadline. The new regulation is an attempt by the Premier League to ensure that any disciplinary cases arising from alleged breaches of FFP rules are dealt with before the end of the same season. should be everyone imo not just those with history
  7. think the parachute payment clubs like leeds and Leicester ffp problems are more likely to occur in year 2/3 if they dont get promoted and keep spending.
  8. daka is leaving to ac milan too https://onefootball.com/en/news/milan-reach-agreement-with-leicester-city-for-patson-daka-38142271 +2m
  9. they probs had someone cough several times in the dressing room so added another £30m for this seasons covid losses
  10. I've seen a few things that suggest Chelsea are well within FFP at the moment, so think that is way off. see here for one example https://talksport.com/football/1534030/chelsea-transfer-news-ffp-rules-explained-boehly/ I think its more to do with setting them up to not breach again, more than punish them hard for it. The EFL seems to work that way for a lot of offences, putting in place a setup for the club to avoid these situations in future, rather than going in hard. With something like this unless the rules don't allow it then I would like to see when they get them to agree to the deduction a sliding scale for future breaches. So 1 point now, suspended 3 more points, if subsequent breaches are made within so many months/years each time the points deduction will be double, so hit the 3 points deducted and get a further 6 points suspended, hit the 6 points have 12 points suspended. That way the point totals will affect any club who disregards them. Their current one is low, I feel 3 points is more fair, but even a 3 points deduction should be borderline meaningless for this season as you would expect them to do good in this league. hopefully they miss the play offs by one point, that would be priceless :laugh:
  11. https://www.efl.com/news/2023/august/16/efl-statement--reading-fc/ reading docked 1 point, 3 suspended, need 125% monthly wage deposit registering with efl
  12. I'd imagine they will get away with just some fines (without admitting guilt) from the premier league too I feel they authorities put in place the harsh sanctions etc they know will get appealed and don't fight it back equally because deep down I think these FFP laws if they were challenged if they are strictly legal then I think teams like this would find holes in it and potentially bring the whole system down. That's why I think they just agree to guilt and fines in the end coz they know its something that higher courts can probs over turn
  13. nice doc on how to "comply" with ffp :laugh:
  14. https://www.bcfc.com/news/all/tom-brady-invests-in-birmingham-city-football-club I imagine forrest if they dont make the payments when complaints come in will be embargo'd
  15. they should have agreed budgets at the start of the season I think. all accounts in before end of season even if by companies house they are not required yet they should have to submit to their leagues authority, showing actuals to date for current season and expected for next season. then the league returns back to them what their allowance is for the season. every transfer in and out includes an update to the forecast and deduction/addition to the budget and has to be required for successful transfer of a players registration. if clubs have new revenues they can apply to changes to their budget. then if clubs are looking to breach, the league should know about it before the season is out, effectively unless they have reported false figures they should be in a position to know where everyone is going to end up based on current transfers by feb. it would also instil a culture of more effective monitoring too. fines from ffp could go towards the costs of providing this service to the leagues. https://www.skysports.com/football/news/11095/12929532/chelsea-fined-8-6m-for-ffp-breach-as-juventus-banned-from-europe-for-23-24-in-separate-financial-case chelsea fine
  16. 50m for mitrovic to saudi looks like might be happening
  17. https://londonnewsonline.co.uk/se7-partners-obtain-efl-approval-for-charlton-athletic-takeover/
  18. yep most my impression of them is down to interviews ive heard from our ex player tony mowbray talking about his last season in charge there, there they basically told him they were selling the best part of the team and that they wont be any proceeds to spend and he had to make it work. he made it work and still got sacked for not doing well enough :laugh: but that kinda gave me the impression they were someone who was going to look after themselves but thats probs more to do with cash flow than ffp
  19. ive never looked into blackburns numbers but they come across as owners that know when they have to sell to balance the books
  20. Coventry are a very well run tight ship, I doubt they would have need to fiddle for the purpose of FFP, before this season they had only spent 2m on transfer fees roughly over 3 seasons, suprised they dont get a real sponser if they just using the advertising space for their own benefit, must be a perk of ownership :laugh: are blackburn close to ffp? think for clubs like blackburn and coventry can defs get away with a value of 1-1.5m per year when compared to other clubs who are always around the top half of the table typicaly. think we get similar for unibet
  21. looking on the sheff wed forums they are not many people looking to take it up, think less than 100 will even bother, they are more worried about why the owner has asked for this, its only for cash flow purposes, its confirming their worst gut feelings about the owner not wanting to put money into the club for them https://www.owlstalk.co.uk/forums/topic/322648-10yr-st-now/page/1/#comments ( i got to page 14 and hadn't seen one person saying they were taking the deal up) some are joking that that they will have early bird season ticket off in October coming up too :laugh:, another joked he will be selling future champions league tickets at a discount next ? this post let me know why they are worried: so the big question isnt how much money will they make from this (comes across as very little due to the numbers may well be sub 100) but why is he asking for this? last time it was because he couldn't afford to keep the club running (probs because we sold him jordan rhodes for £11m :laugh:)
  22. well I asked how you divide something that is potentially lasting as long as someone is alive :laugh: only way I think you could do it the way he said is take zero revenue until you are promoted to the premier league and then divide by ten and allocate 10% each year. KS obv is basing it based on how you have to apply season ticket revenue currently (as he covers in their book) which is much simpler when its a fixed term that only applies to one year, (rather than a open ended potentially never ending deal) eg season tickets are for 23/24, your club asks for early bird season tickets during the last quarter of the account year of 22/23 season, club gets all the cash in during that account period, but they have to apply the revenue in the following years accounts as and when the service is delivered, so all the revenue for that season gets put in the accounts for year 23/24 otherwise clubs can change the date they bring the money in early one year to have 2x season tickets revenue in one period to make the books look better and get a boost in ffp for that season. if he is right anyways it don't sound like many people will take the offer up, be interesting to drop in on some forums to see how the locals respond to the offer to see if many sound like they will bite or not. Sheffields a bit of a hard up area that I dont imagine many people are pulling out 5k-8k
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