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  1. Hi there all, Firstly, ignore the ridiculous piece in The Sun! That should be a default position anyway, but the club knew Schumacher had won before, McKenna didn't attend, the club congratulated Schumacher and nobody stormed out. Our contingent left the ceremony at the end, but as this was close to this award being handed out, a Norwich fan who writes for The Sun has made this nonsense up. I'd love to know what the issues you had with Ashton are. Since Day 1 at our club he's been incredible. He reunited the fan base, got players out into the community, oversaw the recruitment of an amazing manager (a gamble), convinced disillusioned fans to return, oversaw phenomenal recruitment, including convincing many players with top Championship offers to buy into our project, has stayed out of the managers way, kept fans updated, delivered record gates, record season tickets (all in League One!), record shirt sales with massive international appear through a link up with a global superstar, driven the further investment and redevelopment of large parts of the stadium and even on Tuesday night he got on the supporters coaches and thanked everyone personally. We are almost ready to build a statue of the guy. He couldn't have been better at his job. So forgive us if we aren't bothered about what he did at Ashton Gate which may have been either a) being made a scapegoat for the owner / directors or b) he genuinely made mistakes at your club which he learned from to our significant benefit. If I found him in bed with my wife I'd tuck him in and bring him some cheese and biscuits. COYB.
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