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  1. Nothing has been announced about AW yet so as far as I’m aware he’s still at the club, but I’m not sure if the club are considering offering him the job, I’ll guess that he will probably leave and they are probably negotiating his severance package at the moment.
  2. Shrewsbury supporter of 30 years here in peace, I can try to clarify a few reasons as to why he has left. He allegedly fell out with the chairman during the January transfer window and they haven’t spoken since. He and the CEO were responsible for the transfer budget and the chairman was apparently unhappy with them both for overspending the budget, the CEO suddenly departed without notice in April (probably sacked) and that left SC vulnerable as he enjoyed a good working relationship with the CEO, the chairman then appointed a new DoF without even consulting SC about it first (he only found out about it after reading it online) and the writing was sadly on the wall then, most Salopians are very unhappy about this, particularly the very poor statement from the chairman… SC was once picking our team and going through tactics with Aaron Wilbraham whilst struggling for breath on his hospital bed! Thanks to all BCFC fans for their kind comments last season when we played that lot from up the Gloucester Road, for some reason Joey Barton never approved of Cotterill’s tactics and made it very public, but SC is twice the manager Barton is if not more.
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