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Lavington Robin

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Posts posted by Lavington Robin

  1. 23 minutes ago, hinsleburg said:

    felt Cornick was harsh to be dropped for Tuesday but came on and made a good impact.

    I thought so as well but Liam said he had a sickness bug so didn’t start him.

    Regarding Haydon I think he is an excellent technician & looked good in pre-season. Didn’t take any messing with the more physical players at Fratton Park.

    Even with dead ball kicks he was a step up for us until TGH arrived. Subject to a good game tomorrow I really hope he doesn’t get dropped immediately & Cam was my favourite player last season !

    As for attitude I would MUCH rather have a player who is not happy at being a sub & did extra training than someone who just took the money. I really like the guy & hope he continues todevelops well.

  2. 1 hour ago, 1960maaan said:

    Personally, I hate it. 
    It can take me an hour and a half to get home for a normal game, either 2 Buses or walk to the centre and Bus it. 
    Saturdays I don't mind too much. Might meet mates in town for a beer or grab some food with the Mrs, but on a Friday/Tuesday I would be getting home 11:30 or later . That means I tend to drive on night games , might change that for Leeds though.

    Similarly for me though hate would probably be a bit strong personally. Sunday I feel is the worst option so the it’s the lesser of 2 evils. I assume like me you do not reside in Bristol as Friday would then be great but a bit of trek for evening games.

  3. I will catch up with all comments on this later. But after today’s game (debacle) I’ve just had a huge family debate where I said EXACTLY the same but was outnumbered… being a sensitive person I still think like you it’s OTT. Whilst it will affect those directly involved the vast majority won’t have a clue what’s happening. Strange world we now live in 🤷‍♂️

  4. 43 minutes ago, Silvio Dante said:

    Fixed it myself.

    If you go on your Personal Details there is a section for Relationships. If your daughter is down as “Friends and Family” then you can’t get access to buy her tickets. I had to delete my kids relationships, then readd them as “Customer to Customer” - that then meant their seats were available to purchase.

    See above

    Thanks. I did mine but as others no options for others. I then just added my daughter as you say as customer without deleting & lo and behold it appeared.

    Another Q for all can you just scan the barcode from smartphone  (NOT wallet) rather than print the ticket ?

    • Like 1
  5. 43 minutes ago, Silvio Dante said:

    Fixed it myself.

    If you go on your Personal Details there is a section for Relationships. If your daughter is down as “Friends and Family” then you can’t get access to buy her tickets. I had to delete my kids relationships, then readd them as “Customer to Customer” - that then meant their seats were available to purchase.

    See above

    Thanks. I did mine but as others no options for others. I then just added my daughter as you say as customer without deleting & lo and behold it appeared.

    Another Q for all can you just scan the barcode from smartphone  (NOT wallet) rather than print the ticket ?

  6. 2 hours ago, 1960maaan said:

    It was a strange view for me, not normally watching from behind the goal, or so far away so missed a lot of the nuances .

    I thought Knight was very quiet , specially first half . He did seem deeper , or less inclined to get forward all game. It did seem like TC had more room 2nd half and we did look a little more compact. Definitely looked more of a midfield unit. If only we could reduce those misplaced, under hit and scruffy passes and Tommy could just learn to hold the ball up a little better , I think we'd be on to something. 

    I really need to see the game back to gauge it properly . One word on Joe Williams, how many are saying get rid now ? That was a leaders performance right there.


  7. I was saying in the pub before the game how we need to condense the midfield rather than leaving Bell & Mehmeti wide all the time. And as you say JK too advanced so he can be effective from deep & yet he still got into advanced positions late in the game, what an engine. 
    I think Anis sometimes came central when there was a potential overlap but we all know his decision making can be erratic.

    Great game & terrific atmosphere.

  8. Interesting reply from Roy Hodgson ⬆️ and also Keith Hackett.

    Not a red card for me but as Roy stated it’s the way the modern game is unfortunately. Don’t get me started on hand balls I have given up trying to fathom them out nowadays 🥲

  9. 2 hours ago, alexukhc said:

    Just got my ticket thank you very much@The Enormous Turnip, first game of the season, being where I am I’m a bit exiled, still on the look at for fellow reds from close to here(Basingstoke) who go up regularly to get along with, beers n such

    I’m not too far away in Wiltshire. I’m going tomorrow not sure where we are stopping in Soton but maybe a pub ⬆️ or I believe some others going to Giddy Bridge (Spoons) so maybe there. How would you travel to home games train or car ? I’m happy to chat via DM.



    • Robin 1
  10. 3 minutes ago, Sheltons Army said:

    It’s a brilliantly dubbed (spoof) video of Jon Lansdown on the sacking of NP

    Ive tried to find it in amongst the pages and pages of threads but unsuccessful and I cant Do it justice describing it to you - sorry 


    Absolutely hilarious 


    I have it on my phone but I can’t find a way to post it here as only jpegs or similar seem to be allowed !

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