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Everything posted by weepywall

  1. " large fanbase" they have the 9th best average in league 1 and Lincoln in league 2 have a higher average, I would put them on par with Swindon, Oxford, Luton, Notts County and all those have a far better history than Rovers, their delusion never fails to amaze me.
  2. Their manager has just been on Points West saying that the new striker is one of the best in that division...........that will be the reason Coventry let him go then !!!!
  3. Some clown on their forum thinks both games against Sunderland will sell out, the first probably will due to large away support but the second game not a chance even though the boycott has apparently been lifted by a few of them jokers. Those Sunderland fans will realise how far their fall from grace has been when they turn up at that dump after a 5 hour journey and have to drink fake fanta and eat out of date crisps and pasties, I feel sorry for them.
  4. Only game in the semi final now, they could draw Sunderland away ???
  5. "Could be v useful in extending the good players contracts" one of them said, now 2 points, one- have they got any "good players" ? and two - if they were any good why the hell would they want to extend their contract at that place.
  6. Good post, I haven't got any time for Swindon but they have won a major trophy, played top flight football, got a half decent ground and never played in division 5 and the Gas call them tinpot. There is only one tinpot club in the west country and it isn't Swindon.
  7. Be good if someone could get a picture of the new Spurs ground up as its only the Gas and Spurs that carried out ground improvements last summer apparently. Would be good to compare.
  8. That car park is quite impressive, I can see why so many enjoy being locked out now.
  9. Every team in that division will take loads to Sunderland, its a big day out for the tent dwellers.
  10. This exactly, cheap option and I really can't see to many decent managers touching that club with a barge pole.
  11. That photo of that mob holding Wally shoulder high ought to go up with the City legends as he is rapidly becoming a City legend by ruining them.
  12. The next manager there will be City fan Marcus Stewart, they can't afford anyone else.
  13. Over 6 pages on a large screen tv. FFS
  14. Think they have just heard that Babestation is on in the bar at halftime
  15. Shame, thought there may have been an upset there tonight.
  16. Another crowd that would easily fit in to one of the stands at our " white elephant" stadium.
  17. Didn't look like "huge support" on the tv but I imagine the car park was packed with those locked out.
  18. Those Barnet fans have a good sense of humour, even they take the piss out of that mob, " better play it at Wembley " and "their crowd is worth a 2 goal start to them" fair play Barnet hope you destroy them !!!!!
  19. So it's their old rivals Barnet, isn't that the team that won Division 5(???) when the pikeys were down there and I think it may be Barnet that beat them in a league cup qualifier to give them the honour of being the only league club not to enter the league cup proper????
  20. 69.2% of capacity, that can't be right as they keep saying "we have outgrown the Mem " be interesting to see their crowd on Tuesday against Wimbledon, be lucky to get 7k I reckon.
  21. Didn't stop us getting promoted if my memory is correct
  22. The bigger of the 2 Bristol clubs !!!! Eastville that's where they were getting crowds of about 5k and only 3k for the last game there and meanwhile MOST non league clubs have better grounds???
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